Be With You

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Hongjoong woke early to the burning pain in his abdomen, his throat raw and his head pounding. He gasped a bit as he flung himself out of the bed, crawling towards the waste bin on the floor just in time to empty his guts out for the upteenth time that evening. He gagged and coughed as he held into the bin tightly, his hands shaking and his back hunched... but where the fuck was he?

Seonghwa stayed awake...all night. Any time he would fall asleep he'd only wake a second later, feeling pure panic. In short, his own goddamn mind wasn't letting him rest. The whole night was a repeat of this dilemma. Seonghwa felt so unbelievably tired. Shockingly, seeing Hongjoong move from the bed woke him up. Part of him feared the captain was about to run and never turn back, but thankfully he just rushed to the trash can.

Seonghwa stood and wobbled a bit as he grabbed a folded hand towel from a small table. "Here." he crouched down slowly next to the captain and held out the towel next to his head which was buried in the waste bin. You're still throwing up huh?" Seonghwa's eye bags were devastating and a large bruise formed over the middle of his face from the pink haired alpha from yesterday. "You always did get hungover pretty bad in the past, good to know a bit of years didn't change that." Seonghwa's voice was a bit hoarse, adding a certain uneasiness to his own tone.

Hongjoong gulped and coughed away the taste of stomach acid, panting softly as he leaned his head over on his arms. At the sound of his voice, though his breath hitched and slowly looked up to him, his pretty eyes were so wide and his lips parted. "S-seong...?" He whispered, his voice devastating, his eyes glazed over with tears. It was obvious he didn't remember the events from last night, or just how he got to be in his room at the inn. "Seong, what are... what is this..?" He whispered, pushing himself to sit back and gulping down tears. "What am I doing here..?"

Seonghwa tilted his head slightly and just decided to wipe Hongjoong's mouth himself. He pressed his lips together in a pained smile. "You were very drunk last night, so I brought you to the inn. Do you remember anything?" Seonghwa stared at Hongjoong's lips as he cleaned the bits of vomit that clung to him. "And before you freak out, I'm not here to fight." He pulled the towel away and pressed a hand to his forehead, "no fever, so that's good."

Hongjoong exhaled shakily and gulped before he shook his head softly. He reached up to rub his face, hissing in pain at the bruises on his nose and his eyebrow. He groaned and sat Indian style beside the alpha, rubbing at his stomach. He leaned into the hand on his forehead gently and hummed, blinking blearily as it was taken away. He almost felt scent drunk, the whiskey and honey aromas dancing around him. "I remember you... at the restaurant... and my crew mates..." he frowned a bit, looking at the bin of vomit and feeling himself grow nauseas all over again. He huffed and turned his face away, gazing at the alpha with big eyes. He frowned at the bruises and reached up to gently tuck his hair behind his ear. "You look like shit." He said matter of factly, sighing a bit before he pushed himself to stand and offered a hand out to him. "C'mon. We need ice."

Seonghwa groaned and shot Hongjoong a side eye, looking at the omega's own wounded and swollen face, "What gives you the right to say I look like shit when you yourself look as if you lost a fight to a kraken." The alpha watched as the captain stood and offered out a hand. Yes they did need more ice... but could he even stand alright? Seonghwa reached up to Hongjoong, taking his hand and using almost all of the omega's strength to stand- his knee absolutely on fire. "There might be ice in the inn's lobby, we may have to ask for it." Seonghwa wobbled slightly but kept his balance by some miracle. "Let's ice your face, you're swollen." The alpha smiled and began the shaky walk to the door, his face struggling to hold back his tiredness and soreness.

Hongjoong wrinkled his nose and fought back a little smile. "Oh hush. I look amazing," he snorts, touching his nose tenderly before helping the aloha to his feet. He frowned deeply as the other wobbled and was immediately wrapping a firm arm around his waist, holding him up against his body. "Aish, what happened to you?" He frowned, holding up a majority of his body weight and standing for a moment before switching directions and guiding him to the bed. "Lay down. I'll go get the ice, you shouldn't be up." He frowned, immediately going to the captain's pants and rolling the leg up on that side, ready to assess the damage... but the cuff of the pants stuck. He pursed his lips before sighing heavily and meeting his eyes. "You're gonna have to strip down for me, Cap. I need to make sure it's not broken."

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