Part 4

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"Well, I didn't think it was necessary," she said, her voice wavering as she struggled to suppress the painful memories. Tim noticed that she wouldn't look at him, her gaze fixed on something else. He moved closer, concern etched on his face. "What is it?" he asked gently. Lucy instinctively moved away, creating distance between them. "Nothing," she replied, her eyes glossy with unshed tears. She tried to hide her emotions, turning her head slightly to avoid his penetrating gaze. "Then if nothing is wrong, why do you look so, fragile and anxious?" Tim asked, his voice filled with empathy and determination. He knew something was deeply bothering her. Lucy clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as she fought to maintain control. The effort was palpable, and Tim could see the struggle playing out on her face. "It is nothing you need to be worried about, okay,em i think it is time for you to go. I was about to go to bed when you came so if you don't want a grumpy rookie tomorrow" she said needing him to go "okay" he said understanding that something was wrong and that she wanted to be alone to cope with it.

He stood up and went to the door. He turned around and gave her a hug. She got surprised, it was a while time she have gotten a hug. The last time was like 3 years ago when she made sargent. He felt her getting surprised but didn't mention anything. He opened the door and said goodbye then left. As she closed the door she felt the tears starting to form in her eyes as she made her way to her bed room. She fell on to the bed and broke down, it was the first time in s while she had allowed herself to feel something.The next morning, Lucy woke up feeling the weight of the previous day's emotions still lingering. She forced herself out of bed and headed to the bathroom. The hot shower was a welcome escape, the water cascading down her body, gradually washing away the lingering memories from the night before. Each droplet seemed to carry away a fragment of her pain, and for a brief moment, she allowed herself to feel cleansed and renewed.

After her shower, Lucy dried off and dressed. She looked at herself in the mirror, taking a deep breath as she straightened her posture and set her jaw with determination. The reflection staring back at her was a stark reminder of the strength she needed to summon every day. She couldn't afford to let her past dictate her present, not when there was so much at stake. She made her way to the kitchen, where she prepared a quick breakfast. As she ate, her thoughts drifted to the day's tasks ahead. She mentally prepared herself for another day on the job, reminding herself of the reasons she became a cop in the first place. It wasn't just about enforcing the law; it was about protecting those who couldn't protect themselves, a mission that resonated deeply with her personal history. Arriving at the station, Lucy walked in with a sense of purpose. The hustle and bustle of the precinct felt familiar and grounding. She exchanged nods with a few colleagues as she headed to her lockers to change to her uniform. As she walked out of the changing room Tim Bradford approached her . "Morning, Chen," he greeted, his tone neutral but with a hint of curiosity. "Morning, sir," she replied, her voice steady. "How are you feeling today?" he asked, his eyes searching hers for any sign of distress. "I'm good," Lucy said, managing her usual exposition. "Ready to get to work." Tim nodded, respecting her space but remaining watchful. "Alright. Let's head to roll call." As they walked to the briefing room, Lucy felt a small but significant shift within her. The previous night's conversation with Tim had stirred something inside her, a glimmer of hope that maybe she didn't have to face her demons alone. For now, she focused on the task at hand, knowing that every step she took was a step towards healing, even if it was just a small one. In the briefing room, she took her seat among the other rookies. Sergeant Gray began the roll call, his authoritative voice commanding attention. Lucy listened intently, absorbing every detail of the assignments for the day. She glanced over at Tim, who gave her a brief nod of encouragement.

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