Part 5

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As roll call came to an end, she stood up and got their war bags to put in the shop. She put the warbags in the shop and jumped in the passenger seat. As they pulled out of the station, Lucy could feel Tim's eyes on her, sensing his unspoken curiosity about the previous day and her abrupt dismissal. The tension in the car was palpable, a silent battle between his concern and her guarded silence. She knew he wanted to delve into the reasons behind her reaction, but she wasn't sure she was ready to confront those memories herself. Finally, Tim broke the silence. "Sorry to just dive right in, but why did you get so defensive when I asked about your past?" His voice was gentle, yet insistent, seeking the truth without pushing too hard. Lucy kept her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window, the familiar streets of Los Angeles blurring into a haze. This was the one topic that could shatter her cold exterior—the memories of her childhood were like fragile glass, and discussing them could make her feel exposed and vulnerable. "sir," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "my past isn't something I like to talk about. It's...complicated." She paused, trying to find the right words that wouldn't betray the storm of emotions brewing inside her. Tim's eyes softened with understanding, but he didn't interrupt, giving her the space she needed to continue. " Maybe someday I will talk about it. But for now we should get back to work" she said, stumbling on her words as she tried to not show that she was about to break down. She knew it happened a long time ago but she had just tried to push it away and not let it affect her more than it already did. "okay" he replied. He did really want answers but he didn't want to push her that far that she would cry. He could see that it was hard for her to even thing about it and somehow that made his heart break. Then the radio pulled them both out of there thoughts.

As they were dispatched from a bank robbery scene, Lucy and Tim saw Angela, Jackson, Nolan, and Nyla already at the scene. They got out of their shop  and approached the others. "Okay, we need to investigate the bank vault, so let's get in," Gray  instructed. They walked into the bank and headed towards the back, where a massive metal door stood open. They stepped inside, and as the last person, Gray, entered, the door slammed shut, causing everyone to jump except Lucy. Gray tried to open it again, but it wouldn't budge. "And we're stuck," he announced with a frustrated sigh. But Lucy, unfazed, took out her phone. "No, we're not." "Yes, we are, Lucy. We need a code to get out, and we don't have that," Angela pointed out, with the others nodding in agreement. "Nope, we can just hack our way out," Lucy replied confidently, walking up to the big door. She placed her phone on the keypad and opened an app she had downloaded. "We just need to get into the system," she said with a smirk. "And who is going to do that?" Tim asked, skepticism evident in his voice. "Me," Lucy replied, exuding confidence as she started working on her phone. The screen was filled with Russian characters, causing the others to sigh, thinking they were going to be stuck for a while. But suddenly, the door clicked open. "There we go," she said, turning around to face the astonished group behind her. "How did you do that?" Gray asked, incredulous. "And you know Russian?" Jackson added, equally surprised. Lucy shrugged nonchalantly. " Let's just say my.... childhood." Tim looked at her, getting some answers. "Well, good to know we have our own personal hacker." tim said, Lucy gave a small smile. "Just don't make a habit of getting locked in vaults," she joked. They all laughed, the tension breaking as they stepped out of the vault. As they moved back into the main area of the bank, Lucy felt a sense of accomplishment. For once, her past skills had been put to use for something good, and she couldn't help but feel a small spark of pride.

When they were done at the crime scene it was lunch time, and this time they grabbed a big table so everybody could sit together.As they got their food and sat down, everyone started to chat animatedly. Lucy, however, was quiet. She picked at her food, lost in thoughts about her dad. Why were all the memories coming back now? Was it because of all the questions? Or was it just years of pushing everything away finally catching up to her? She worried that it would overwhelm her, but she knew she wouldn't tell anyone. They would just think she was weak, unable to keep it to herself. That's what she kept telling herself. From another perspective, Tim noticed how quiet Lucy was, almost as if he could hear her thinking. He suspected that whatever she was thinking about, it was something painful. Wanting to pull her out of her thoughts, he reached over and touched Lucy's shoulder. "So, do you know any other languages?" he asked, trying to divert her attention. "Yeah, umm, let's see... well, there's English, Russian, Turkish, French, Spanish, Swedish, German, Mandarin, Cantonese, Croatian, and Greek," she replied. Tim's eyes widened in shock at the sheer number of languages she knew. The others, overhearing their conversation, were equally astonished. "How?" Tim asked, genuinely amazed. "That's crazy," Angela added. "WTH," Jackson and John said almost in unison. Lucy hesitated, feeling the familiar knot tighten in her stomach. She had always been careful about revealing too much of her past, but something about the team's genuine concern made her want to open up, if only a little.

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