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Third person's pov!

"Nidhi.." Sid called out softly and she shot an accusing look at him before hurrying towards the restroom. Priya followed her immediately.

"Damn it!" Siddharth cursed angrily and marched towards his cabin.

"What the bloody hell is happening here?" Ansh whisper yelled at Mukul.

"Honestly? All my confusions are cleared now. Sid is in love with Nidhi." Mukul whispered back and Ansh looked at him in horror.


They quickly went to Ansh's cabin and Mukul then explained all that he had witnessed here ever since Nidhi joined Rey Designs the second time.

"Goodness! Sid is in love with Nidhi? I still can't believe. He hated her, didn't he? He was so annoyed with everything she did. How the hell did it all turn into love?" Ansh asked, confused out of his wits.

"Well, love is unpredictable. It happens when you least expect it and with the person whom you least expect." Mukul said.

"That sly dog. Let me talk to him. I am his bestfriend. I should be the first one to know when he falls in love. Here, I am the last one to know." Ansh said angrily and before Mukul could respond to that, he received a phone call from the security officers at the front gate. What he heard made him horrified.

Mukul hurried into Sid's cabin, Ansh following closely, and entered it without knocking. One look at Mukul's dishevelled look, Siddharth knew there was trouble.

"What is it, Mukul?" Siddharth asked.

"Media.. Media is here.." Mukul said in between taking deep breaths. Siddharth shot an annoyed look at him.

"So what? Just ignore them.." Siddharth said.

"No no.. They have swamped Nidhi outside Rey Designs.. The security is trying to get them off her, but there are too many of them.." Mukul said, still breathless from running.

Siddharth froze when he heard that. After a moment of freezing, he jumped out of his chair and rushed out of his cabin. He was practically pounding down the staircase, taking three steps at a time. The employees were staring at him in open mouthed wonder. The always immaculate SiddharthSingh Raichand looked panicked. Not an emotion they could associate with their boss.

Mukul, Ansh and Parth were hot on his heels. Parth on his way out, pulled Priya along with him, knowing very well that Nidhi would need Priya with her at this moment.



Nidhi wished that the mother earth would open up and swallow her as a whole.

"Ms Parinidhi.. Are you the one who trapped Mr Siddharth Singh Raichand?"

"Ms Nidhi, is it true that you worked with Rey Designs while Mr Raichand was dating Ms Chavan? How did you take Mr Raichand away from Ms Chavan?"

The questions were thrown at her without any mercy. She could feel the flashes of the camera on her face and she tried very hard to hide her face.

She felt horribly exposed.

Before she was bombarded with another question, she felt herself being blanketed by a pair of powerful arms.

Siddharth forced his way through the annoying paparazzi and pulled Nidhi into her arms, wrapping himself around her in such a way that nobody could even touch a single strand of her hair.

"OUT OF MY PROPERTY, RIGHT NOW!" Siddharth screamed at the media representatives and he felt Nidhi shivering in his arms, which only made his rage at the paparazzi increase.