chapter 2

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"If the generals dont agree ill cause hell" i say as cole sighs.

"Relax dont worry i got this now i got to go" i say hanging up as I walk into the room the generals all sit an discuss in. Heads swivel an look at me.

"Oh, rose what a surprise we don't normally see you unless it involves a mission" Darren says smiling at me.

"Ya that's true but I want to get all my diplomas an everything I worked for so hard an I need my high school diploma to do so!" i look at them all as I state this

"you at least owe me this much" I say sighing.

"Alright we will send you to the school in the base in sector 7"

"Aka the blood sector" I say smiling. They nod remembering everyones nickname for sector 7.

"Training starts in half a week we had to bump it up because things have escalated badly" I walk over to my father's chair an sit in it as Blake states this.


"Your newest weapon has some how fallen into the enemy's hands"

"Wait your telling me my technology design is more advanced then theirs?! An alien terrorists are better then our elitely trained forces?"

"Rose did no one explain to you what happened while you were gone?" I shake my head.

"The Hellfire unit has been eliminated, the Kings knights are eliminated, night owls have been eliminated, the verton unit has been eliminated" I stare shocked as that one single word echos in my mind. Eliminated... eliminated... all these groups leaders I know quiet well. we were the only surviving test subjects we stuck close an stayed in contact.

"An finally The Greenville unit is eliminated" Darren says looking at me.

"Your unit is the only one left an the most advance, the blackout unit is our last hope we currently sent the station into hiding but we have two weeks top for that"I nod as my father walks in.

"I understand I will do my best to change the waves of this war" they nod an I leave.


Smoke floats up towards the blue sky as i stare at the building in front of me. I turn my bike off an remove my helmet before lighting a smoke. The glass shines an reflects the sunlight but I can see my unit an their family's in the special room reserved for large groups enjoying themselves obviously waiting for me. The red bricks make the black sign stand out more at the Kings Restaurant.

"Why do I always have to bring bad news to them?" I say sighing. Alice looks out the window at me. I rest my head on my arms that are currently folded in front of me on my handle bars. We have two weeks to spend with our families an half of that will be training? I still can't believe everyone else is gone. Alice waves to me causing everyone to look. I exhale before putting my smoke out.

"Here it goes" I say entering the beautiful restaurant with amazing Chinese food and decorations hanging up an around. I enter the room an by everyone's reaction I must look grim. I walk over to the wall where they all can hear an see me. I sigh before looking up from the floor.

"I need everyone to be quiet" no one quiets down. I sigh.

"Oi! You need to be quiet this is important!" I say loudly. Everyone shuts up an looks at me.

"You all have worked hard the past few months an I'm proud of you all but I got an update on our current mission" any murmurs an whispering stop now.

"You all know I know the other officers of the other elite units right?" They nod as I pull a paper out.

"Update on sector seven The Hellfire unit has been eliminated... the Kings knights are eliminated... night owls have been eliminated.. the verton unit has been eliminated.. the snakes are eliminated... delta has been eliminated.. moon crawlers are eliminated..." everyone stares shocked as I list off the units.

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