Chapter Two: Jody

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I woke up again in the bed. But this time, there was a boy sitting right next to the bed. He was pale, with jet black hair, and blue eyes. He had muscle, not buff, but he had muscle. He also has on eyeliner, which was weird. Since most boys I know don't wear it. He looked like he was 19. My age. I felt a cool cloth come in contact with my forehead.

"Wh-where am I? I asked.

My head was throbbing

"Don't worry, your safe." Said the boy

"What do you mean safe? Who are you?" I start to freak out.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." He pressed a hand on my shoulder.

"Get your hand off of me! Where am I? What have you done to my wing?"

I tackle home to the ground. Ignoring the sudden pain in my wing. After a few minutes of wrestling, he was able to get my hands over my head, and sit on my torso, making it hard to breath.

"Relax, I'm not trying to hurt you. I was driving to my house when I saw smoke. I went over to check it out, and I saw you in a deep hole that was on fire. I pulled you out of there and took you home. So you should be thanking me!"

He picked me up like I was just a feather, and hoisted me onto his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down!" I tried kicking him in his face.

He took me into his kitchen. And placed me on his table.

"Don't move! I found a satchel on you. And there may be something to heal your wing." He walks into another room and he comes back with a brown, slightly burned satchel.

He opens it up, and carefully places all of the contents onto the table next to me. Then he takes out a small price of paper and reads it.

"Ok,"He says, after he finishes reading it.

"It says that you have to drink cumulus mixed in with a little bit of star dust to heal a broken wing. I don't know what either of those things are, so I need you to help me make it. Could do that for me?" He goes to the cabinet and grabs a measuring cup.

"Ok." I show him where the cumulus and star dust is, and tell him how much of each he needs.

"Ok, it's done. Here you go." He hands me the cup.

I take it out of his hands and down it. I hate the taste of cumulus. I wipe a bit from my lip. I feel a surge of warmth go through my wing. It feels amazing. I get off of the table and flap my wings a bit. Trying not to hit the ceiling fan. I failed at that. I end up hitting my head on the fan. I fall face first on the ground.

"Ow!!" I rubbed my head.

He starts to laugh, but he covers it up with a cough.

"Are you laughing at me?"

"No." He helps me off the floor.

"No, you were laughing at me!" I say with a smile.

"Ok maybe a little bit."

We sit down at his table and he gets me a bag of frozen peas. I place it on my head.

"So, you have not told me your name."

"Proxima, you?" I look into his dark blue eyes

"I'm Jody."

"I like it. It sounds like a famous football players name."

"I like yours two, isn't Proxima the name of the closest star to earth.

I nod my head.

"Yea. I got it when I went up to heaven."

"Your an angel?" Jody looks at me in shock.

"Yea. What did you think?"

"Well, I thought that Angels had white wings, not black."

I look over to my wings and they are a cloudy black. My eyes widened. Why did I not see this earlier? Tears stung my eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jody reached for my hand.

"I'm-I'm one of the fallen!"

Hi. Thanks for your patience. I know this took a while to write. But I had so many ideas for this chapter, that it took me a while to choose what to put in the story. I hope you guys like it!!

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