Chapter ten: Safety

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Jody's POV

I saw Proxima standing there. Her wrist were bleeding badly thanks to the chains. She had many cuts, bruises, and burns covering her body. She was violently shaking.

She was covered in dirt and blood. Whimpers escaped her mouth, and tears flooded down her cheeks.

I walked over to her and gently touched her cheek. She whimpered and pulled back, shaking more than before.

"Hey, hey, hey, shh, it's ok. It's just me." I whispered, so I wouldn't overwhelm her. 

She looked up at me, I thought I would see at least a tiny bit of happiness. But her eyes were dead. They really have broken her.

I unlocked the chains and picked her up, carrying her out of the room.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Andy yelled. Making Proxima flinch and hold me tighter.

"How dare you treat her like that. She did not do anything do you. If she says that she is not nightmare, then she is not." I walked up the stairs, ignoring the shouting of the leaders.

I walked into the dining hall, hoping to find the girls. Lucky for me they were. All three of them gasped. They rushed over to me, wanting to comfort Proxima. But they end up scaring her.

"Ok guys, please back up. Juliet and Megan, could you guys give her a bath, and Jack, could you make her some soup. I want to set up my bed for her."

They agreed without hesitation. I handed over Proxima, she tried to hold onto me but she was just to weak. It shattered my heart.

After she was bathed and dressed into a baggy t-shirt and some fluffy sweatpants, I carried her into my room and tried to feed her. But she refused to eat it.

"Sweetie, you have to eat. Your malnourished, tired, and weak. Please eat."

She looked me in the eye and said "You probably drugged it. Just like they did. Please, I don't want that pill. It hurts." Tears fell down her face.

I just stared at her in shock. What did they do to her.

I pulled her into a hug, she tensed and was shaking violently. After I calmed her down I grabbed the soup, determined to have her eat.

"I promise this is not drugged. Jack, or Megan, or Juliet would never do that to you. Neither would I. Here, I'll even eat a bit if that will convince you." I ate a small spoonful, trying to save as much as I can for her.

After five minuets, she looked convinced. She let me feed her, and after she was done, I laid her down so she could rest. I got under the covers, knowing that she wanted me here with her.

I watched her sleep for a while, she griped onto me like I was her lifeline. After a few miners, I was able to fall asleep as well.

*middle of the night.*

I woke up with Proxima in my arms. She looked so peaceful. She also felt hot. I decided to go open my window. I sat up a little before she tightened her grip on me.

"Don't leave me!" Proxima whimpered.

"No no no. Don't worry, I'm just going to open up a window. You feel warm."

"N-no I'm okay, please don't leave me alone." She wrapped her arms tighter
around me.

God, what did they do to her.

"Sweetie, it's okay, the window in right across the room, I'll be back in like a minuet. Don't worry."

"Ok." She loosened her grip on me.

I opened up the window and crawled back into bed. She immediately wrapped her arms around me.

"Your okay, I promise." I wrapped my arms around her, hoping that she doesn't feel trapped.

She fell asleep quickly, and I fell asleep soon after.

Hey! I felt bad that I haven't been posting a lot. So I made two chapters!! Hope you like it!

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