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"Hello everyone!! And welcome back to another TRY NOT TO LAUGH!" Amanda started, a burst of energy shooting throughout the sound stage. "Don't worry, we've heard your requests so we grabbed Josh to do another MUSICAL episode!"

The cast cheered, you smiled as you stayed ducked behind them. "Because we're doing a musical episode we invited the one and only Y/N to join us!" Courtney smiled, the group— Amanda, Courtney, Shayne, Angela, and Chanse— splitting to allow you to pop up.

"Hey everyone!!" You began, the cast and crew clapping and giving whoops of encouragement. "Okay, okay, that's enough you're making me blush" you joked, hands behind your back and twisting your foot.

"Don't stop blushing yet Y/N, we aren't done talking about you." Chanse added, shaking your shoulder.

"We may or may not have had ulterior motives for this musical episode." Amanda continued. "We invited Y/N to join us because she is releasing a new song!"

"AND because I'm hilariously witty, right?" you joked, causing shayne to roll his eyes. "But! Yes, the day this releases my new single "Espresso" will be premiering at 10 pm PST, like, everywhere you get your music! This song is super fun so I hope you guys like it!" The group cheered and with that the round began.

With Amanda in the stool first you decided to bust out your Sarah Christ impression for a beautiful ballad about how no establishments will let you smoke in them anymore. Amanda was quick to laugh, almost spraying you in the face, followed by a compliment about how good your Sarah Christ was.

The game went by smoothly, or as smoothly as a smosh video goes, everyone making each other laugh. During your time in the stool Shayne sang, or rather yelled, one of the lowest notes you'd ever heard. You stayed strong until he had been holding the same note for probably 10 seconds and his face turned the most pained shade of red.

"Oh thank god!" He said, leaning his hands on his knees as he caught his breath, "I think I would have gone until I passed out"

The final round ended and you began the outro with applause, "That was so much fun! I demand to be invited to every musical TNTL from now on. Thank you guys so much for watching, we hope you laughed just as much as we did."

"Don't forget to stream "Espresso" by Y/N!" Chanse added, resting his chin lightly on your shoulder.

"It's SO good! Like, I swear to god, it's been stuck in my head since I heard it for the first time." Angela added.

"And with that we must part ways.." You began, in a deep melodic tone. "Don't forget to like and subscribe and check out one of these two videos on your screen! Okay bye!"


That was two weeks ago and the Try Not To Laugh was being posted today. Your single premiering tonight.

You sat at your desk, anxiously bouncing your heel as you tried to focus on the doc in front of you. You were supposed to meet with the games team later that afternoon to discuss possible creatives for some upcoming live streams. But the only thing you could focus on was what people would think about your song.

You aren't new to making music. In fact, you've been writing it since college and even performing it at some open mics and small gigs. But, most people who knew you online knew you from Smosh, not from your musical career. You had about 3,000 monthly listeners, which always astounded you, but this was the first time that you were releasing music that was being promoted by such a large online entity.

"Keep shaking like that and you'll cause an earthquake" You turned to see Spencer approaching your desk, hands in his pockets. You opened your mouth to respond but he cut you off, "Everyone is gonna love your song, Y/N. You don't need to worry."

"You haven't even heard it yet, Spence" You retorted, having made Spencer (Along with the rest of the cast, minus Angela) swear that he would wait until the release party to listen to it. You leaned your head on your chair to look at him as he sits next to you.

"Yes, but, you would only put out something good so I trust that the song slaps." Spencer tried to ease your running mind, only to get a huff in return. "Okay fine." He began, standing and grabbing your phone while simultaneously turning off your monitor.

"Wha- Hey" You started, trying to stop him but reacting too slowly.

"We are going out to lunch." Spencer said, matter of factly.

"But what about the games meeting?" You asked.

"Got moved back an hour, don't you look at the slack?" he chastised.

"Okay, but isn't everyone going out tonight anyway?" You questioned, remembering that some of the cast and crew insisted on going out to celebrate your song release.

"Yeah but that's everyone." Spencer began, already walking towards the door, "Consider this your pre-game with your best friend."

"A pre-game at.." You looked at your barren wrist, "two pm?"

"One: you're not wearing a watch. And two: okay, a social pre-game. Plus, I'm not taking no for an answer, so come on and let your wonderful best friend buy you lunch." Begrudgingly you agreed. You walked side by side to Spencer's car, him opening the passenger door for you before rounding the front and getting in the drivers side.

You smiled as you realized where he was taking you. He took you to a little hole-in-the-wall ramen place you two had discovered the year prior. It quickly became you and Spencer's own little spot. Neither of you ever went there without the other unless it meant stopping by to take it to go on the way to the other's apartment for a game or movie night.

The older Japanese-American couple that owned the restaurant greeted you with warm smiles, "The usual?" the husband, Kenji, asked.

You both nodded as you took a seat in one of the four small booths that lined the wall. The comforting smell of hot broth and spices calmed your anxious mind as you closed your eyes to take a deep inhale. You and Spencer talked about some upcoming shoots and how his Baldur's Gate 3 save was going as you waited for the food to arrive.

It didn't take long for Emi, the other owner, to bring out your food, "You two are just the cutest, such a wonderful young couple." She cooed.

"Oh we're not-"

"Thank you Mrs. Ito, that's so sweet, we really love coming here." You cut Spencer off, smiling at the woman's kindness. She walked off, heading to grab an order for a driver.

You turned to find Spencer staring at you with an eyebrow slightly raised. "What?" You asked, sipping on the steaming broth.

"So you think we're the 'most wonderful young couple' huh?"

"Of course I do honeybun." You jested, leaning over the table and tapping Spencer's cheek sarcastically. Resuming your meal as Spencer rolls his eyes.

The rest of your lunch is pleasant, filled with chatter about everything yet nothing. You tried to pay for your lunch when Mrs. Ito brings the bill but Spencer insists on covering it since he wanted to take you to lunch to distract you.

"Thank you spence, I really needed that." You said, grabbing Spencer's hand in thanks as you walked back into the office.

He squeezed your hand lightly, "I always know what you need." And he did, Spencer was a consistent support system for you, had been since you began at Smosh. Beginning as an editor you worked with Spencer a lot. Your friendship blossomed over a shared love of movies and games.

Over the years you got closer and closer until you were unequivocally best friends. Weekly movie nights, breakfast, lunch, and dinner dates solidified that years ago. Now there's hardly any time you spend without each other.

You walked hand in hand to the conference room, ready for the games meeting now that your head was clear.

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