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Life felt good. The reaction on the podcast was incredibly positive, nothing but kind comments and intense support for your music career. It had been almost two weeks since you released Birds of a Feather, which once again went viral on tiktok, boosting your streams again. But it didn't stop there, almost all of your music, even your earliest album had reached a minimum of 400k streams.

Multiple news outlets reached out to you, asking for comments on your fast-tracked success. Pop crave even going so far as to predict you would make the top 100 list before the month's end. On top of your career at Smosh you were now making a solid income from your music.

You were on cloud nine, but not alone. Spencer sat atop that cloud with you, a supportive arm to lean on. You and Spencer were doing great. You spent a lot of nights together, cuddled up on the couch or dancing in the kitchen, enjoying being in love. If people thought you and Spencer were connected at the hip before... it was worse than ever. It seemed that the only time you weren't together was in the bathroom. You both stayed professional, no PDA at work but the energy was there.

As much as Courtney loved you and Spencer they missed you. She arranged a day and now you were having some much needed girl time, enjoying brunch with Amanda, Angela, and Courtney. "This is so nice, I feel like I only see you guys at work." Angela began, grabbing your hand, "Especially you, mrs. Agnew"

You pulled your hand out of hers, rolling your eyes and trying to hide the smile blooming across your face.

"No seriously, we need to know what's going on." Amanda insisted.

You haven't really talked to anyone about what's going on with Spencer. You were enjoying it being just between the two of you, more or less. It felt like young love, it felt innocent and playful.

"I don't know what to say." You shrugged, hiding your blush.

"Your beet red face says otherwise," Courtney remarked, taking a sip of her bellini.

"Come on you gotta give us something, we all see the way you two are." Angela pleaded, Amanda and Courtney nodding along. "You were always basically attached at the hip but god Spencer looks at you like you hung the moon and the stars."

"I guess we're a thing." you conceded.

The three girls shared a look, communicating with each other with just their eyes.

"What?" You asked, noticing their darting eyes and subtle eyebrow twitches.

"You guess?" Amanda asked, "What do you mean, you guess?"

"I mean, like, yeah we're seeing each other."

"Honey... You 'see' a guy you go on a few dates with then ghost. Have you and Spencer even talked about things yet?" Amanda continued.

"No..." You realized. You and Spencer hadn't really sat down and had a discussion about what this thing between you was. Thinking about it you realized you haven't even been on a real date with him. You and Spencer had been in a routine as friends for so long that it seemed the most natural to just build right on top of that foundation. "Uh.. we haven't even gone on a date.." You admitted.

"Oh brother... Get it together Spence." Angela grumbled.

You changed the subject as quickly as you could. Not very interested in talking about your labeless situation with Spencer anymore. The rest of brunch was great, you put your thoughts of Spencer to the back of your head, focusing on the various conversations the girls were engaging in.

When you all finished your meals and drinks it was around 1 pm. You said your goodbyes, parting from the girls with hugs and promises to consult one another about outfits to bring to vidcon.

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