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The entire day had gone by and still no word from Spencer. You knew he had to have seen it, and knowing him as well as you do, you knew he listened to the song. You just hoped it was enough.

While the Spencer situation wasn't necessarily going well, online was sparking with excitement about Birds of a feather. The hashtag had been trending all day and you once again were in a bright spotlight on the public stage. You had received texts and calls from friends congratulating you on your second successful song in such a short amount of time. Everytime your phone buzzed or rang your heart skipped a beat, hoping you would see your favorite contact pop up, but it never did.

Feeling defeated, you decided to go for a drive to clear your head. You didn't have a destination in mind, allowing yourself to think about nothing but the road in front of you. Before you knew it you had somehow ended up at your ramen place. You'd never gone alone, this was an experience you only shared with Spencer. You decided that since you were already there you would stop in and get food.

You walked in, immediately becoming emotional at the comforting scent of broth and spices. Mrs. Ito greeted you, walking with you to one of the small booths.

"The usual?" She asked, smiling at you.

"Actually, I'm getting something different today," You said. You went on to recite Spencer's go-to order, hoping it would make you feel a little closer to him.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Mr. Ito asked, joining his wife's side as he placed a glass of water down on your table.

"He's, uh, he's not my boyfriend," You finally explained, sadly. "And he's not coming today, it's just me." The words hurt to say. It felt wrong doing this without Spencer but you were already here and thought this might be good for you.

You scrolled on twitter as you waited for your food, liking different tweets about you and smosh. It didn't take long for your food to come out, you politely thanked Mr. Ito as he set the steaming bowl in front of you.

Soon after the door opened again, the small bell chiming as the door swung inside. You glanced up towards the door, shocked to see Spencer of all people, shrugging off his light jacket.

"Ah Spencer! Welcome!" Mrs. Ito greeted warmly. It didn't take long for Spencer to notice you. You looked away as soon as he looked at you, feeling an intense pressure under his gaze.

"Oh, hey." He said, walking the small distance to your table.


"Is... Is that my ramen order?" He asked, recognizing the toppings and smell of the broth.

"What? No." You replied quickly, "Okay, yeah it is." you admitted.

"Can I sit?" Spencer asked, a flattered smile gracing his face.

"Of course."

You sat quietly for a moment, moving the noodles around in your bowl as you avoided eye contact.

"So..." Spencer began, "I thought it was our unspoken rule to not go here without the other."

"Well, technically i'm not anymore" You said, gesturing to him.


"So..." You mirrored. Another silence permeating the space. "I'm sorry." You said quietly, shrinking into yourself.

"Okay." Spencer returned.

"I was so scared, Spence. I am so scared." You continued, the words falling out of your mouth without much thought.

"Why? Do I scare you?" He asked.

"No! What? No. I-" You sighed, shaking your head, trying to figure out what you wanted to say. "I've spent the last years becoming okay with just being your friend. I've been totally in love with you for... well for forever. And when you told me you lov-" You stopped yourself, afraid to say it. "When you told me what you told me I realized everything was gonna change and that was so scary. I shouldn't have left. I know that. But I woke up to your warmth, your smell, your soul, all next to me and my fight or flight kicked in I guess."

You weren't sure you were making any sense. You hadn't looked up from your soup, scared to face whatever emotion Spencer was feeling. "And when I got home I called Amanda and she helped me calm down and then I talked to Shayne at work and when I tried to talk to you, you ignored me, probably rightfully so." you explained, wanting to be honest with Spencer as much as you could. "And if you never want to see me again I get it because I have been so unfair to you."

For the third time since Spencer sat down there were no words. Just the sounds of the traffic outside and the muffled conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Ito from the kitchen.

"I would never, not wanna see you again Y/N." Spencer expressed. "I gotta keep you around. Birds of a feather, right?"

Your eyes shot to his, a small smile playing at his lips. "You heard?"

"I couldn't stop listening to it." He admitted, blushing a little. "I forgive you Y/N." He stated, knowing you wouldn't believe him if he didn't say it explicitly. "I wasn't the most fair to you either."

"Truce?" You asked.

"Truce." He agreed.

Spencer came back to your apartment with you, taking both of your food to go. You sat on the couch together, playing your third grand prix of mario kart, making each other laugh as you joked through each race. You paused as the last game ended, Spencer coming in 2nd and you in 3rd (a computer Waluigi beating both of you).

You turned to him, leaning your head on the couch to face him. "Will you spend the night?" You asked. "I can't really run away this time."

"You thought I was going to leave?" He asked, pulling you closer to him and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

"I was just making sure." You smiled, leaning into his side.

You stayed that way for a while, just enjoying each other's company after the few days without it. You looked up at Spencer, admiring him.

"What? There something on my face?" Spencer asked, noticing your gaze.

"Yeah actually, let me get it for you," You said, sitting up, brushing your thumb across the corner of his mouth before kissing him.

"That was the corniest shit ever, you literally just babygirlified me." He joked.

"I mean I can stop." You shrugged, scooting away from him jokingly.

"No you don't" He replied quickly, grabbing your waist and pulling you back to him, catching your lips with his. You sighed into the kiss, feeling incredibly grateful you made up. You let out a squeal as he pinched your sides, hoisting you onto his lap and deepening the kiss.

Unlike the first time, this kiss wasn't so slow. It was full of passion, the pent up frustration from being apart manifesting itself through wandering hands and clashing teeth.

Spencer broke the kiss for air, "Never leave me again." He pleaded through heaving breaths.

"Birds of a feather, right?" You mirrored his words from hours ago, making eye contact before connecting your lips again. 

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