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Your heart dropped right through your ass. You stood there, one shaky hand out holding a ten dollar bill. Even through the shock you couldn't help but laugh thinking about how stupid you must look.

"What's so funny?" Spencer asked, his heart rate increasing as you stood in front of him.

"I- I must have looked like... an idiot" You explained through fits of laughter. Maybe you were falling into hysteria, this was clearly not the time to be laughing but you couldn't stop.

You gestured for him to come inside as you composed yourself. You took a few deep breaths and steadied yourself, closing the door to join Spencer in your living room. He sat on the right side of your couch, like he always did. You couldn't help but think about how well Spencer fit into your life and you in his, like two puzzle pieces.

You sat against the left side of the couch, curling into yourself. "So..." You trailed off, not sure what to say.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked, his eyes full of genuine concern.

"Yeah I'm okay Spence."

"Then, like, what's going on?" Spencer began, fiddling with his watch– a present you got him for Christmas last year. "You've been avoiding me and– don't even try to deny it" He cut you off, seeing you were about to refude his point. "And I don't know.. I just... I miss you i guess" Spencer finished, his voice small and meek, full of anxiety.

You stared at him, feeling the aura of fear and anxiety around him. "I miss you too." You began, feeling your throat begin to tighten. "Like a lot."

You knew you missed him but in that moment, feeling his closeness, almost able to feel his body heat radiating off of him, you truly felt it. It had only been a few days and yet your life felt so different, your routine had become dependent on Spencer and without him it's been skewed, back to a time when you didn't have him.

"Fuck. I'm so sorry Spencer." You pleaded, your eyes beginning to well up.

"I forgive you, of course, but can you tell me why you were ignoring me?" He asked, "Can you at least give me that?"

"I just- I released my song and suddenly so many more eyes were on me and things were changing– do you know I have 3.6 million streams total now? Like for all my music?-- things got crazy." You began rambling, finally expressing everything you've been feeling lately. "Then my worlds collided and everyone started saying things about you and us and I guess I thought that if I took time away from you that people would leave it alone." Your voice softened.

"C'mere" He mumbled, pulling you into a hug, his warmth enveloping you.

You realized all the stress you'd been holding as it melted away in the heat of Spencer's embrace. You sighed deeply, leaning farther into Spencer as he turned, keeping one arm around you.

"Spenspresso is pretty clever though." Spencer teased, "it's got a good ring to it, don't ya think?"

You laughed, shaking your head, grateful the awkwardness was gone and your usual banter was back. "You wish."

"Oh! I almost forgot, I brought you a croissant from that fancy bakery." Spencer reached next to him for the bag, offering it to you, "Ya know? In case I did something wrong and I had to convince you to keep me around."

"You didn't need the croissant because one: you didn't do anything wrong, and two: I was convinced to keep you years ago."

Spencer asked if he could stay for a little, to make up for lost time, he explained. You agreed, settling in on the couch and leaning your head on Spencer's shoulder as he played on your animal crossing island, doing the terraforming you hated to do, while catching up what each other missed the past few days.

It felt nice, more than nice, it felt perfect. Making Spencer laugh as you told jokes into his ear and played with the sleeve of his sweater, you could almost fool yourself into believing he felt the same way as you. It made you want to confess right then and there, but you couldn't. You just got him back as a friend, you wouldn't jeopardize that. For now you were content to nod off on his shoulder as just his friend. His best friend.

You would worry about everything else tomorrow, for now you allowed yourself to relax. Just as you were falling asleep you could hear Spencer lightly humming an all too familiar tune. You smiled as you fell asleep.

Spencer sat in contentment, laughing at your jokes, his stomach flipping with every breath he felt against his neck. Soon enough your jokes stopped and your breathing shallowed. He could tell you had fallen asleep as you nuzzled further into his side, a thing you only did while sleeping. You tried to not smother him normally but unconscious you wanted to be as close to him as possible.

It was moments like these that Spencer wished could last forever. He tried to commit every miniscule detail to memory from the smell of your shampoo to the way your hair fell over your eye. He brushed it behind your ear, taking a second to examine your face, appreciating how peaceful you looked.

He knew it was late but who was he to wake you when you seemed so comfortable? Instead he slowly moved the two of you until you were laying across the couch, Spencer made sure your head was supported on his chest and that you wouldn't wake up in pain.

He had spent the night enough times that it didn't need to be explicitly stated that he could stay so he closed his eyes, craning his neck to place a feather soft kiss on the top of your head. He listened to your breath and let the feeling of your heartbeat lull him into sleep.

Right as Spencer drifted into dreamland he vaguely heard you murmur an "I love you Spence." But, maybe he imagined it as he slipped away from reality, either way his heart soared and he vowed to never let you spend so much time away again.

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