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Spencer texted you a couple times last night, only to be met with short responses of, "cool", "ok", and "sure". It was driving him crazy, you never texted like that, even when you first met each other you were always an enthusiastic texter. He even tried calling you and you let it ring, sending a "busy" text when it went to voicemail.

You weren't busy. Unless you count pacing your living room as being busy. It was killing you to act this coldly towards Spencer, every time your phone vibrated and the "Spenceyyy <3" contact popped up your heart soared, then your stomach dropped.

You felt like maybe ignoring him was a mistake, that you were pushing your best friend away. But, you've spent so long repressing your true feelings for him that now that they've surfaced it's become too much and maybe some time away would help you decide what to do.

You considered your options as you drove to work. You could A: talk to him about your feelings during your next movie night or B: re-repress your feelings and live the rest of your life as just his best friend and more than likely have to watch him fall in love with someone that isn't you. You think option B might kill you, so option A it is.

You got to the office, early as usual, walking in and heading straight to the kitchen to continue your tradition, making a big pot of coffee for the rest of the office so it's hot and ready for them. This became part of your routine a long time ago and you're always happy to do something nice for your coworkers.

Having your coffee made you sat down at your desk, settling your headphones atop your head to play some music while you eased into your workday. It wouldn't be too bad today since you had a half day anyway, having a dentist appointment at 1:45. Plus, you didn't have to shoot anything today since they accomodated your appointment when they made your shoot block this week.

You were finishing a draft for a script you've been writing as people started to make their way in, lifting their mugs in thanks as they passed your desk. You sent the script to Courtney and Patrick so that they could give you feedback.

Your first real responsibility was a meeting regarding your next shoot block. You walked to the conference room and sat down, pulling up your calendar and a doc to take notes. Spencer, Ian, Kiana, and a few others joined you, pulling out their laptops as well.

You tried not to make eye contact with Spencer, simply nodding at his words instead of responding or interjecting. The meeting was going smoothly, they informed you that you were going to be in quite a few more videos than usual the next shoot block in response to your newfound musical fame because they think it will increase viewership.

"One last thing Y/N, we wanted to know if you would be interested in guesting on Smosh Mouth this week? You can talk about your music journey and what this fame is like and give some insider information about Espresso." Kiana stated shuffling through some papers.

"We know you already promised a live stream on Instagram but we think it would be a great episode. They were going to film another weird subreddits episode but we can do that whenever, we'd be able to film and turnaround the video within the week of shooting it." Spencer added, trying to lock eyes with you.

"Yeah that sounds awesome" You agreed, knowing it meant you could be more vague on the live stream today, giving you more time to figure out how you're gonna go about the "Spenspresso" allegations.

You went over some more logistical stuff before parting ways, going back to your desk and putting your headphones back on, hoping it will signal to Spencer that you don't want to talk.

The rest of your morning was filled with other meetings, sketch writing with Courtney, and you even went over to the art department to help with a few props. Before long everyone broke for lunch, which was your queue to leave. You packed your bag while everyone was getting ready for lunch and slipped out while everyone was occupied.

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