the pod

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You sat at the smosh mouth desk, sipping on a mountain dew kickstart that you stole from Spencer. You figured if you were going to talk about your song you should have mt dew, as fanservice. The crew was finalizing camera settings and waiting for Amanda and Shayne.

"This kinda sucks" You said, taking another sip of your drink.

"Ouuu, i'm gonna tell spencer." Kiana teased. Earning an eye roll from you.

After a few minutes everyone was ready to record. "Hello everyone and welcome back to Smosh Mouth, I'm Shayne."

"And I'm Amanda. And today we have a very very special guest, all the way from big hollywood and the desk around the corner from mine, Y/N"

"Big Hollywood wow" You laughed.

"You have skyrocketed in fame." Shayne comments.

You sighed deeply, "Yeah..."

"Uh Oh, that doesn't sound good." Amanda responds.

"No no It's really awesome it's just been different, I guess." You began, "I've been in the public eye for quite a while now but, obviously, never like this."

"Let's rewind a little," Shayne interjected, "you guys know Y/N, she's been with Smosh for years now. At this point, dare I say, one of the most loved cast members."

"Oh stop it." You giggled.

"Well it's true, everyone loves you. Especially me." Amanda jokes.

"I can see the fan edits already. Wait, we need to stare at each other longingly." You piled on.

"Anyway," Shayne laughed, "What a lot of people don't know, well not anymore, is that you are a musician as well."

"Yes, I've been writing music my entire life but I started producing my music about a year before I joined Smosh. I got much more serious about it thanks to Josh, shoutout josh." You explained. "I have a stockpile of songs, I've only released a few though."

"You have two albums out right?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah I have two albums, three EPs, and three singles, the newest being everyone's favorite Espresso."

You continued bantering, answering questions and talking about your career. You enjoyed how much both Shayne and Amanda cared about what you had to say, being able to deepdive into some of your music was a lot of fun. You even learned that Shayne listened to your entire discography over the weekend.

"Let's get into the juicy stuff" Amanda began, "We sent out a community post where people could ask Y/N questions so let's get into some of those."

"First up is from Gianna L: What was the inspiration behind Espresso?"

"I really just wanted to make something fun and bright. A lot of my music comes from a very vulnerable place but I've just been so happy that this song stems from that. I've felt like myself and truly I have smosh to thank for that." You rambled, "Okay to wrap it up, Espresso was inspired by being confident and loving yourself because it makes you irresistible."

"I actually love that so much," Amanda smiles.

"Yeah that type of thinking is important," Shayne adds, "I would know, I have a psychology degree."

You answered some more questions regarding your creative process and your lyrics. You got to talk about how you make coffee for the whole office almost everyday in regards to the lyric: "That morning coffee brewed it for ya". Then the inevitable happened.

"The most asked questions are about Spencer." Shayne began, "For those of you who don't know, Spencer is the director of the games channel and is often in videos as well."

"But most importantly," You cut Shayne off, "he's my best friend." You finished, earning a few 'awww's from the room. "Believe me, I have seen the conspiracy theories and comments about "Spenspresso"-- great name by the way. And yes, some of the lyrics were inspired by my dear friend. I wouldn't be the person I am today without him and since this song is about finding confidence I had to give a nod to my best buddy, one of the people who have always supported me and made me into the best version of myself."

You laughed, "I wish I could give a more juicy answer but it's just a little thank you to my best friend. That doesn't mean I want the edits to stop, I do love those, and the fan art. Me and Spencer send them to each other constantly."

You wrapped up the podcast, hoping confessing your platonic love for Spencer was enough to keep the heat off of you for a while. That is until you stare at Spencer for too long in the next games video and people clip it.

"How was the pod?" Spencer asked, setting his lunch down and sitting in the chair next to you.

"It went well, It was actually so much fun to talk about myself for so long," You jested. "You're gonna get an ego boost out of it though."

"And why is that?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow and sending you a knowing smirk, the action making the tips of your ears hot.

"Oh shut up." You shoved his chair away playfully. He quickly scooted it back to you, even closer than before, your knees bumping each other.

You both finished your lunches quickly, Spencer opting to head back to his desk to work. You followed him, sitting on a couch near him, scrolling through your phone until you heard a few muffled "fuck fuck fuck"s coming from Spencer.

You got up and stood behind him looking at his monitor. "What's wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing, it's just an issue with the audio of the last games video, I don't think it'll be able to be recovered" He responded, his shoulders tightening as he rubbed a stressed hand over his face.

You knew Spencer worked really hard on that video, he had been so excited to have the cast play the game and now it seems like it will never see the light of day.

"I'm sorry Spence," you said, knowing there wasn't much you could do to help. Noticing how tense he was you placed your hands on his shoulders and began massaging them, working at the many knots.

He let out a low groan as you pushed into a particularly nasty spot on his shoulder. As you worked your fingers through his neck and shoulders his groans turned into sighs of relief.

"That feel any better?" You asked, hoping you could assist your friend.

He rolled his neck a few times, "Holy fuck, that's actually so much better. How did you do that?"

"I took a single massage class in college for a random credit I needed." you replied, running your fingers through his hair as he tilted his head back to look at you.

"You've gotta do that more often, I feel like I got my damn neck replaced." He laughed.

"You just let me know, I learned back, hands, and legs too so.." You trailed off, winking at him, relishing in the pink hue that graced his features. "Lunch is almost over, I gotta go, I'm filming 'you posted that?'. I'll see you later, love ya Spency" You smiled, grabbing his hand and leaving a feather light kiss on his knuckles before walking away.

"You are so whipped dude."

Spencer spun around to the source of the sound, seeing Alex Tran standing on the other side of the desks.

"God, is it really that obvious?" Spencer questioned.

"I wish you could've seen the googly eyes you were just sending Y/N," Alex laughed, "Like, the whole office can feel the tension."

"It's not tension if it's one sided." Spencer rebutted.

"One sided my ass, she's totally into you, has been forever, if I had to guess."

Spencer thought about Alex's words. Could you really feel the same way as him? He's a smart guy, he knows that, so could he really have been so stupid this whole time to think you were just friends? 

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