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You woke up early, the birds were just beginning their morning songs. For a moment it was bliss, you were secure in Spencer's arms as he curled around you, leaving a strong arm around your waist.

You often woke up cuddling with Spencer when you or he slept over, your bodies like magnets, naturally finding their way together in the night. This time it was different. Everything was different.

Your mind reeled with memories of the previous night. It all felt very dreamy but if you focused hard enough you could still feel the pressure of his lips on yours. Oh my god he kissed me, You thought to yourself. And I kissed him back.

Warming at the thought you untangled yourself from Spencer's embrace, sliding out of bed to grab your phone and quietly slip into the bathroom. You locked the door behind you, leaning against the counter you looked at yourself in the mirror. You were a blushing mess. The flashes of last night consumed you. How were you going to focus at all today? You turned the faucet on, cupping the cool water in your hands before bringing it up to your face.

All at once the bliss you felt remembering the previous night turned to dread. Everything was going to change: your personal relationship with Spencer, your professional relationship... god forbid you ever go in public together because the fans are relentless. Your thoughts began to spiral. You had wanted Spencer for so long but now that you might have him (pending his morning confession you requested) it was too much.

You couldn't think in his apartment, everything smelled like him and he was fast asleep in the other room. Needing to think clearly you did what anyone would do you went back to bed- you left.

Exiting the bathroom you took one last look at Spencer's sleeping form. The early morning light casting a warm glow on his features. You grabbed your bag and as quietly as possible you left, locking his apartment behind you.

You all but ran to your car, needing to get away. Everything felt too real. You drove home, taking a slightly longer route than usual, allowing the purr of your engine and the morning breeze to calm you.

When you arrived home you knew you only had like two hours before Spencer would wake up and realize you were gone. You stripped your clothes off, overwhelmed at how strongly they smelled like Spencer. Hopping in the shower you let the cool water run over you.

You continued your morning rituals, your anxiety spiking as the time ticked closer to having to talk to Spencer. Unsure of what to do you texted Amanda, knowing she would be awake already. You asked her to talk and soon got on a facetime call with her.

You had barely answered the phone before Amanda could tell something was wrong, "Oh honey, what's going on?"

"I'm not sure what to do," You began, "I was at Spencer's last night and we got high and we kissed and he told me he loved me."

"Well that's good isn't it?" Amanda questioned, having clocked your feelings forever ago.

"No. I mean yes? I don't know?" You sighed, "I've wanted this for so long but now things are gonna change and that's so scary and what if this doesn't work with the company or the fans hate it or-"

"Take a breath Y/N" Amanda cut you off, seeing you spiraling, "Let's break this down, okay? First, the company is fine, Shayne and Court are literally married, no one will be upset, in fact I think there would be some bets needing to be cashed in." She laughed, "Second: The fans don't have to know anything, they are not entitled to your personal life so you don't even need to think about that. But third: where is Spencer now?"

You were grateful for Amanda, she was always so comforting and wise. You already felt calmer. "He's at his house, I kinda left at like 5 am because I got scared and started to spiral..."

"Oh honey no." Amanda sighed, "He's gonna wake up without you there and freak out, he's so protective of you. You need to at least text him and tell him you left so when he wakes up he doesn't lose his shit."

You knew Amanda was right. But you were terrified to actually talk to Spencer about everything.

The sun was beaming through sheer curtains, creating a serene moment in Spencer's bedroom. Until his alarm started blaring. He haphazardly searched for his phone, turning off the alarm before rolling over to pull you close to him again, but his arms found nothing. He opened his eyes to find an empty bed. He felt around, not even finding a warm spot where you had been, it was like you were never there.

Was last night a dream? Did Spencer imagine that it all happened? No, he couldn't have, he could still feel your fingers parting through his hair. He got out of bed, walking to the bathroom, assuming you were just in there getting ready..

The light was off and he opened the door, his anxiety spiking as he found no one. He all but ran to the kitchen, searching for your stuff only to find nothing. Your bag, shoes, and keys were all gone. You had left.

You had asked him to tell you everything in the morning and now that the sun had risen you were gone. Something must have happened to you. He walked back into his room and grabbed his phone, eager to call you and check in. As he picked up his phone he saw your contact "Y/N!!! :)))" with a message from 5:45 am, Hey sorry, my landlord needed me for something, see you at work.

For a moment he was worried that he pushed himself on you. But you kissed him back, you told him you loved him too.

All at once Spencer was pissed. He had poured his heart out and not only did you not fully believe him but you LEFT. He knew your landlord didn't need you, he could read you like a book and you were lying, he just didn't know why. His heart shattered, why would you do this?

He threw his phone on the bed, exasperated by the morning's events. Spencer had planned to wake up next to you and have the first thing you hear be his undying love for you. He was ready to become more. He didn't know how he would even look at you today.

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