You blew up.

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You chose to ignore your phone the next morning, putting on do not disturb and opting to put on a record while you got ready and popping in a CD on the way to work. You walked into the office, putting on a smile as you greeted people on your way to the kitchen to get a coffee.

Normally you were one of the first people in the office, making a large pot of coffee so that it was hot and ready for your coworkers. Today, however, you didn't have a morning meeting or shoot block so you didn't have to come in until 11. It was a little ritual you had begun the year prior. On days where you didn't have to be in early you would stay offline until absolutely needed. It was a welcome break from your constant social presence.

Your morning had been so peaceful, little did you know that online, things were very different. Your song blew up on both tiktok and twitter. You had amassed more than 500,000 streams just the first night.

You were walking to your desk, iced coffee in hand when someone grabbed it from your hand, placing it on the nearest surface. Before you could blink you were swinging around, being lifted by strong arms, in a suffocating hug, a squeal escaping your lips. You recognized who it was almost instantaneously, the familiar scent of amber and citrus embracing you.

"Well good morning to you too" You laughed to Spencer as he set you down.

"Good morning? Just good? It's a fantastic morning! Nay! A Stupendous morning!"

"Okay wow, this is some positivity," You laughed, "What's got you so bright eyed and bushy tailed?"

"Are you absolutely serious Y/N?" He raised his eyebrows so high you could imagine them flying right off his forehead. "Have you not looked at literally anything this morning?"

"No, I never do on late mornings, you know that Spence."

"Oh my god, you're ridiculous," He began, pulling out his phone, "Look at this Y/N, this is insane."

You looked at his screen, becoming suddenly dizzy at the words in front of you. 567 thousand streams of Espresso. You stared, swallowing thickly before emitting a loud "What the fuck?!"

"You're also trending on twitter and tiktok!" Spencer continued, your mind still not believing the number you had read. "Dude, you might have been famous for smosh but.. Now you're just famous, like really famous."

It was like the most intense high of your life. You had never had a song blow up like this, god, you had never had a song do even a 10th as good as this. You were sitting on cloud nine, this is what nirvana must feel like you thought.

Then your stomach sank. If there were maybe 100 comments about Spencer last night, there had to be thousands now...

You may have fucked up. On one hand your music career might take off like you've always dreamed! On the other hand you're gonna have to discuss this with Spencer and that means confronting your own feelings which is not ideal.

"I need to use the bathroom." You muttered before running off to the single bathroom, leaving Spencer more confused than he's ever been, and that's saying something.

Shutting and locking the door behind you, you took a long deep breath. You leaned against the door and unlocked your phone, turning off the do not disturb to a bombardment of notifications. Friends, family, fans, everyone was texting, tagging, and tweeting you. You were overjoyed at the love your song was receiving. People were tagging you in the most loving reviews and giving the highest appreciation for the song.

You were just scrolling, reading tweet after tweet in the "Espresso" and "Y/N from Smosh" Tag. you retweeted a post from a smosh fan account saying "I know Y/N from smosh. You know Y/N from Espresso... we are not the same". You laughed before switching to tik tok and going through some of your notifications. You would never be able to see every video, there were just too many. You were totally engrossed, the real world fading away. Until a loud knock startled you out of your trance.

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