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"I just can't keep doing this." Spencer said, removing his hand from yours and adjusting his position to look at you more directly.


Your mind was reeling. Spencer's tone shifted from playful to serious very quickly. Your stomach flipped, a pit of anxiety settling in your stomach. Did Spencer do all this nice stuff today just to let you down easy and send you away? Were you really stupid and Spencer didn't even like you platonically?

Okay, you were spiraling.

Spencer was your best friend and you were his, there was no argument about that. You were just high and stressed.

"I just don't know what to do anymore Y/N." He looked at you, his eyes full of anxiety. "You are so wonderful and talented and smart and.." He began to ramble, unsure where he was going with this thought. "You- you just make me really happy and if I don't tell you this soon.. Well- I might actually implode."

"Okay hold on, what are you talking about?" You asked, trying to stop his babbling. As nervous as you were, you couldn't help but think he looked adorable. The way his hair splayed over his forehead, his hands wringing together as his eyes darted around the room, finally landing on yours. Even as your heart dropped through your ass you thought Spencer was so uniquely him.

"What I'm trying to say is that I'm so into you Y/N," He sighed, finally revealing the feelings he's been harboring for years. "I've always told you I loved you but you have no idea how much I mean it."

You were stopped in your tracks, not fully comprehending his words. "W-What?" You asked again.

"Maybe this is stupid and maybe Alex got in my head but I don't think I could go another day without telling you, especially with everything going on."

"Do you mean it?" You asked, your voice small.

"With all of my being." He responded, grabbing your hands with both of his.

"You know I love you too Spencer, more than anything." His heart was soaring at your words, feeling fireworks erupting within him. "But... I need this to be real. If for some reason it's not and you're just high..." You shook your head.

"I promise this isn't a lie."

"Then tell me again in the morning, tell me you love me when you're sober," You compromised, "I'm not going anywhere tonight but just please tell me in the morning if you're serious."

"Okay, I will. You won't be able to doubt it, I swear."

You smiled at him, "So what now?" You asked.

Spencer glanced at the clock, seeing it was already past midnight. You both had work in the morning and should probably head to bed soon.

"We should head to sleep. But first, there's just one thing I really really need to do." Spencer said, running his hands up your arms and shoulders to rest where your neck met your face. "You look so beautiful." He muttered, observing you in the soft moonlight that shone through his living room window, dragging his eyes down your face and landing on your lips.

You glanced down to his as well, watching as his tongue poked out to wet the corners of his mouth before connecting your eyes again. "Can I please kiss you?" He asked, his voice soft and gentle.

You tried to memorize this moment, the smell of his home mixed with the candle he lit for you, the ways his eyes twinkled in the dim light, and the feeling of his firm hands against your skin.

You didn't realize how long you were taking to answer as you tried committing everything to memory. Spencer's stomach doing flips as he braces for a rejection that never comes. "God Spencer please." You grinned widely.

He pulled your face the few inches to his and softly placed his lips on yours, testing the waters. All either of you could think about was how perfectly your lips slotted together, like they were always made for each other.

It wasn't a feverish kiss, there were no gnashing teeth, just so much love. It was soft but firm, able to communicate all the words you couldn't say. You tasted like chapstick and citrus soda, a taste Spencer found both intoxicating and suited you.

One of his hands moved to the back of your head, deepening the kiss ever so slightly. His other hand moved to your waist, pulling you down so you were almost laying on the couch, his warm body above you. "Is this okay?" He asked, breaking the kiss and leaning his forehead against yours.

You didn't even answer, just pulled him back in by his shirt. He laughed into the kiss, shocked at the movement. He could feel your sly smile against his lips. You both relished in the moment, the air feeling thick with passion.

Your hand had looped into Spencer's hair which you loved so much. Spencer's hand that was at your waist began to slide under your (his) shirt, just brushing his fingertips against the warm skin of your waist when one of Spencer's cats knocked a, luckily, empty bowl off the coffee table, scaring you both out of the kiss.

You both laughed upon seeing a furry tail swiftly moving out of the living room. "It's really late, let's head to bed, yeah?" You asked not wanting to spoil such a perfect night by doing anything too forward too quickly.

"Yeah, let's head to bed." Spencer repeated your words, kissing your cheek before standing up and offering you his hand. You took it gladly and slowly stood up. Even when you were standing you didn't let go of Spencer's hand, which he took the opportunity to pull you into him and kiss you softly again.

"As much as I would love to keep going," You pulled away, "We need to clean these dishes up and go to sleep, Spence."

He almost pouted, knowing you were right but being unsure this would ever happen again. You gave him a smile and began to clean up. There were only a few things that needed to be picked up so you were done before you knew it.

Walking to Spencer's room you noticed he also changed his sheets, ever the gentleman. You both climbed into bed, already wearing comfy enough clothes. "Goodnight Spencey." You muttered, pulling the comforter around you.

"Goodnight Y/N"

Spencer couldn't stop his mind from wandering. What if you were just high and stressed and thought this would be fun tonight and you would never speak to him again. You rolled over and slotted yourself against Spencer, resting your head near his, "I can feel you worrying, just go to sleep, we'll talk in the morning. I love you." You reassured.

Feeling your warmth against his side and your sweet words in his ear was enough to calm his mind. He pulled you in a little closer and rested his head against yours, placing a soft kiss to your hairline, "I love you too." 

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