Birds of a feather

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You walked into the office making a beeline for Shayne who was standing with Courtney and Erin. "Shayne, I need to talk to you." You breathed out.

"Okay?" Shayne questioned immediately feeling the frazzled energy around you.

You walked away, heading to an empty meeting room, trusting that Shayne was behind you. You began pacing the short distance across the room, turning to Shayne as he closed the door behind him. "It is too early for you to be like this." he laughed, feeling concerned.

"I think I fucked up, like bad."

"Okay what's going on?"

"I... uh... meandspencerkissedandthenileftbeforehewokeup andsenthimsomebullshittextandhedidn'ttextbackoranything." you blurted out.

"Come again?" Shayne asked.

"Me and Spencer kissed and then I left before he woke up and then I sent him some bullshit text about why I left so early, like 5 am early, and he read it but didn't say anything back." You repeated, out of breath. You recalled the events of the night prior to Shayne, shushing him everytime he giggled or teased you.

"You gotta talk to him, this just sounds like a misunderstanding." Shayne consoled.

"I just don't know what to do, I like him so much but aren't things going to change?" You asked.

"Change isn't bad Y/N," Shayne reassured, "Change has to happen, especially if you want anything serious with Spencer. But I think you need to talk to him soon.. Like today."

"Was it this scary with Courtney?" You asked, feeling defeated.

"It was terrifying, I won't lie to you. But god, it was the best decision I ever made. I'm sure no matter what happens everything will be okay. You're a catch Y/N, Spencer is gonna be so lucky to have you."

"You're right, thank you Shayne." You said, giving him a small smile. He pulled you in for a reassuring hug before leaving the room.

You took a few deep breaths before groaning, knowing you had to find Spencer and soon. You sent him a text 'Hey Spencer I need to talk to you, soon preferably'.

Spencer read your text, agreeing with the sentiment but feeling upset enough to ignore it. He knew it was petty of him but he just couldn't help it. You left him hanging with no answers this morning and for now, he intended to do the same. He turned off his phone, putting it in a drawer of his desk before going into his first meeting of the day.

And so it began, you trying to talk to Spencer and him dodging you. First it was the text, then when you tried to talk to him in person he conveniently had a call to take. The whole day consisted of playing cat and mouse, you were exhausted.

Both you and Spencer were in such bad moods by lunch the whole office could tell something was wrong. Spencer had to film right after lunch so you used this time to come up with a plan. You knew you needed to get Spencer alone but it would be hard considering it was Friday and you wouldn't see him over the weekend if things weren't resolved. To make matters worse next week you would be filming a "who knows Spencer best" best Alex and Shayne. You knew the chemistry on screen would be awful if things continued this way and the fans would catch on.

Your personal issues had already bled into the workplace and you didn't want it to get farther than that.

If Spencer wouldn't talk to you then you had to show him how sorry you were, and you hoped you had just the thing.

You had been working on a song at the same time as Espresso, feeling so much thankfulness in your life you wrote another song. It would take a long night to finish and get the vocals recorded but you didn't care, you had to make things right. Feeling both inspired and overwhelmed with your emotions you crafted more lyrics, finishing a song that you hoped would convey everything it needed to.

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