Not Again

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Today was the last day of school. I can't wait for summer. I can visit the museum more often and party all night with them. I keep daydreaming of what we can all do together.

"Marion Marion."

"Hmmm what," I said.

"What's got you day dreaming so much," asked Vivian.

Vivian was the first person that actually helped me come back to school. You were friends when we were kids and I didn't expect her to help me at all. I had the mentality to leave the past in the past but she didn't want to lose our friendship. She helped change me from an online school kid/part-time janitor to an actual teenage girl.

Before I would always wear my most comfortable clothes and would never take care of my hair. It would be down when I'm not working and up when I am. I always worked hard to clean the museum as best as I could. Making sure not to get on the bad side of Dr McPhee.

So I was always a mess. With the rest of my time being spent at home catching up on homework. Now I actually have time to take care of myself. After doing my homework I either watch TV or hang out with friends.

Vivian helped me learn how to style my hair and do my makeup. To me finding cute outfits was hard. I couldn't wear cute or beautiful things for my job. So I now found a style for myself. I still like to be comfortable but I don't look like I just woke up from bed.

"I'm not day dreaming," I said.

"You are," Vivian teased.

I only laughed at her and walked into the cafeteria.

"Are you dreaming of a boy," she asked.

"No never," I said.

"You're about to turn 17 in a month and you've never been on a date."

"I was barely able to find myself beautiful. Much less a boy to dream about."

"I know it was hard and you weren't up to change but look at you now. Glowing with charm and beauty."

"Only thanks to you."

"You deserve to have more than just me and my friend group. You don't even like hanging out with all of them."

"That's why I hang out with you, Erica and Hannah."

"I know not all of the rumors are gone but you should make more friends. Especially with a guy. It might help you loosen up. Have more fun."

"I do have fun."

"Cleaning a museum every other night does not count as fun."

"I still have friends at the museum."

"You're not talking about those old guys that are 70 years older than you."

Well if I tell her the truth It's more like 1,000s of years older than me. Larry and his son are the only ones close to my age technically. If you count how long it's been since everyone in the museum has been alive.

"Though ahk is around my age," I whispered.

"Who is ahk," she asked.

"Oh no."

"Oh no. Is he cute."

"I didn't mean to mention him."

"Is that why you reject all my offers to go on a date with anyone. You have a secret relationship. Can I meet him."

"Ah I better get going Vivian."

"You can't run from me forever!"

I did not mean to talk about ahk. So I ran away as quickly as I could. The rest of the day I relaxed waiting for the sun to go down. When it was finally time. I was almost jumping with excitement.

Janitor Of The Museum Where stories live. Discover now