Larry's gone

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A month later

I was sitting on my bed reading a new book when my phone started to ring. I gently picked up to hear a lot of yelling.

"Marion you need to come over now," said Jedidiah.

"How did you use a phone or get my phone number," I said.

"It doesn't matter. Get her quickly."

"Okay okay I'm coming."

I ran out of my room as quickly as possible. Giving my parents a fright.

"Where are you going in your pajamas," asked mom.

"You better not be meeting a boy," said dad.

"Nows not the time to explain my friends need help," I yelled running down the stairs of my apartment.

Gosh what trouble could they have gotten into this time. I thought that Larry got everything settled down. What could have happened. Is the museum on fire for real this time. Is the museum out of control. My thoughts couldn't stop thinking.

"Taxi," I yelled.

When the taxi pulled over I jumped in as fast as I could.

"Take me to the natural History museum fast," I said.

"Yes ma'am," said the taxi driver.

When we finally got there I quickly gave the taxi driver the money and ran up the stairs. Barging through the door.

"Is everything ok," I yelled.

It seem like the whole museum was upset. They all were either looking down or were looking at me in shock that I was there. I wasn't supposed to be here tonight because i said I was sick. Larry was in the middle of everything. What did he do this time.

"What's going on? Jedediah called me and I came as quickly as I could," I yelled.

That's when everyone look to Jedediah and octavius who were standing by the phone.

"Don't look at me like that gigantor," said Jedidiah.

"We called Lady Marion to talk you out of this," said octavius.

"Talk him out of what," I asked.

"From leaving us," cried Jedidiah.

He was holding back tears looking at me. I looked away from Jedidiah to Larry wide eyed.

"What does he mean Larry," I asked.

Larry could not look at me. So I looked at everyone hoping for an explanation.

"Explain to me what is happening," I yelled.

Ahkmenrah suddenly appeared in front of me and I felt embarrassed to see him. I haven't seen him for a couple of weeks. Trying to bury my feelings I had developed. After the accident we spent a lot of time together. Though at first he was only worried about my health.

We got to become more close. Making me more amazed by who he is. A kind leader that understood others pains. He's also very affectionate. What am I thinking right now. He's dead it's better to let things go before anything happens.

"Marion Larry is leaving the museum," ahk said gently putting a hand on my shoulder.

I put a hand to my mouth. Hopping to hold in this sick feeling I felt.

"Marion," ahk said gently.

"You're leaving," I yelled.

Larry couldn't even look at me. It reminded me of my friends the old night guards. When they tried to steal the tablet.

"You can't do this Larry," I yelled.

I walked up to him agitated. Ahk grabbed my hand. Probably to stop me but I pulled my arm angrily.

"Why leave us Larry. After everything that's happened. You're just going to leave us." I cried.

I grabbed his shirt tightly. Crying almost begging for him to look at me and explain everything. I felt a pair of arms wrap around around my waist pulling me away from Larry. I kicked and hit whoever it was.

"Put me down now I'm not done talking to Larry," I yelled.

"Well I've just started talking to you."

I know that accent it's ahk's.

"A- a- ahk," I stuttered.

I turned around to face ahk. His face was so close to mine. I feared if I moved at all I'd kiss him. His arms were still on wrapped around my waist. Making me blush. So I tried to look away.

"Marion look at me," he said.

I subconsciously listened to him.

"We will be ok Marion," he said.

"We will be ok," I said uncertain.

"Yes we are. Now don't get too mad at Larry."

"I will try."

He suddenly hugged me tightly. When he let go. I got embarrassed that I was in my pajamas. It was just a t-shirt and shorts but I never expected to in them in front of ahk.

I turned to see Larry walking up tome slowly.

"Marion I am making a business and I can't be a night guard at the same time." he said looking at me sorry, "So I am leaving. You can't change my mind."

Two years later

Larry left as he promised. So finding a new night guard was not easy. The museum scared all of them away. Finally making me take the position. It was tiring to do most nights while doing school. My friends were very concerned about me.

They said that I looked like a walking dead body. After hearing that the museum tried to make things easier for me. We decided on Tuesdays and Thursdays I would rest. If anything happened they would call me. Now that it's summer it's easier to work.

I did finally graduated from highschool and am planning to go to college. I haven't decided on which one I want to go to. I am thinking of being a museum curator or an archaeologist. Though the museum really helped with my decision. I always had a passion for history.

I am on the couch with my mom and dad watching TV. When suddenly an ad pops up. It was for the Daley industry. Larry is doing well with his new found business. He's just made the glow in the dark flash light. I use it myself when I'm working.

"I gotta go mom," I said.

"Now how about you spend the night with us," mom said.

"You work too much honey," said dad.

"Well someone has to protect the museum," I said.

"Well it doesn't have to be my little girl doing it," said dad.

I laughed at my dad a bit and left for the museum. Dr McPhee said that he wanted to tell me something. So I left earlier than usual. When I finally reached the museum I rushed to Mr McPhee's office.

"You said you wanted to talk to me sir," I said as I walked in.

He stood up and said, "Yes Marion please sit down."

He pointed to the chair in front of his desk. I sat down but he kept standing.

"Now Marion please don't get too upset about what I am going to tell you," he said.

"Yes sir I'll try," I said.

"The museum made a decision today."

"You mean about sending some of the exhibits to the Smithsonian. What did they decide."

"They decided on sending them away and replacing them with holograms."

I couldn't say anything. Me and Dr McPhee tried everything we could to prevent this from even happening. Now we just have to accept their decision. I left his office numb and emotionless. To see the stack of boxes. Packing my friends in them.

I wanted to stop them. To tell them not to touch them but I couldn't. I can't protect them, I can't stop them and I might not be able to say goodbye to them. So I watched them.

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