Day 3, that's all

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It's been quite a day so I'm actually going to keep this very brief or risk getting no sleep on top of everything else. 

What I did today to better my tomorrow 7/9:

-I made my bed (ugh).

-I did the minimum allotted time of daily exercise requested of my doctor on the elliptical (not great, but hey I could have done nothing). 

-I listened to my latest book for an hour and a half this morning and took some sloppy, fast notes that I'll copy and paste onto here as my "what I learned section" for lack of time to thoroughly think things out. Goodluck making sense of the seemingly random sentences! 

What I learned today:

"The significant problems we are facing. Cannot be solved with the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." -Albert Einstein

Private victories preceded public victories, making and keeping promises to ourselves, precedes making and keeping promises to others.

Habits are the combination of knowledge, skill, and desire

We are not our moods, feelings or thoughts

Work on yourself rather than trying to improve your conditions, then your conditions will improve

By making and keeping promises to ourselves and others, little by little, our honor becomes greater than our moods. The power to make and keep our commitments to ourselves, is the essence to developing the habits of effectiveness.

Apologies for the short and random entry, but as established- this entire diary thing I'm doing here is really only for myself. If you are reading, then I hope you gain something from it.

Til next time my brave comrades,


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