Chapter Forty two

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Beyonce POV

I looked at everybody and everybody looked at me waiting on me to say something

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I looked at everybody and everybody looked at me waiting on me to say something.

"When did this happen ?"

"Last night" only one doctor answered and I sighed running my hands down my face.

"We've had Micheal in custody for going on two years now so how all of a sudden he has escaped through the same forces we've been had. What went wrong ?" I asked then realized everybody that needed to be here wasn't.

I grabbed my walkie talkie off the desk turning away from everybody then called in security

"Lock all paitent in their rooms and come up to the meeting room. As a matter of fact put the facility in full lock down. All visitations are canceled I don't want nobody in or out without my ok" 

"Yes ma'am" a voice came over and I went back to the table looking at everybody.

"I'm still waiting on my answer. I don't see a bloody mess in the halls and none of you are dead so how did Micheal escape ?"

Still nothing was said and I took a deep breath throwing the walkie talkie down.

"Stay here" I said before walking out.

I went to Michael room examining it and noticed there was no forced exit or nothing just pissing me off more.

I paced his room then stood there thinking for a while on where he could have went.

Sometimes when we talked he mentioned he wouldn't even have no where to go if he left. He would just go back his "business".

I know he mean killing people.

But he didn't necessarily want to leave he just mention hating the doctors-

I began to make my way back to the meeting room. This shit ain't making sense and I'm not stupid.

If it was really a escape people would be dead so I need to know what really happened.

I went back in the meeting room looking at everyone with a deep stare "Who let Michael out ?" I asked watched everyone's face change to one of shock.

"Well nobody know how he escaped so he must have been let out right ?" I questioned walking back up to the table seeing security now in there.

"i will fire all you muthafuckas" I spoke lowly meaning every word.

Again faces turned and people tried to talk to me while kelly looked at me crazy.

"uh girl i was with you so not me right ?" She asked me quietly.

I rolled my eyes walking away going towards my folders with the schedules.

"Night shift of last night raise your hand" I said flipping through them for the schedule.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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