Chapter forty one

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Beyonce POV

I kept hearing tiny loud cries while I tried to get my stuff together and sighed not able to focus at all because my baby is crying

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I kept hearing tiny loud cries while I tried to get my stuff together and sighed not able to focus at all because my baby is crying.

"Beyonce, baby, I know you're busy but please calm her down" my mom said

"She doesn't want to talk to me ma.. I keep trying" I said not wanting to get screamed at and pushed away again.

"She's upset with you but you're her mom. It's your job to comfort her even when she doesn't want to be comforted" she told me.

I sighed and nodded getting up. I walked out the room going downstairs where the crying was coming from

I seen tiny balled up in the corner crying against the wall and felt my heart ache increase.

Robyn was next to her trying to offer her chucky but she wouldn't take him constantly pushing him away.

I never seen her so sad that she wouldn't take her her doll... and it's my fault she's like this.

Robyn sighed looking over and noticed me standing there of the verge of crying myself.

She waved me over and I walked over trading spots with her sitting next to tiny. I knew she wasn't cookie anymore because her cries are different, I'm more than sure this is onika.

"Baby" I said touching her leg and she pushed my hand. I ignored my hurt feeling focusing on tending to hers instead.

"I-I hate you" she hiccuped sniffling after and a deep trembling pout came on my face.

Yea she says it all the time but I feel like she meant it that time.

"please don't say that" I whispered pulling her into me ignoring her fights. She knows I'm stronger I'll just wait for her to give up.

When she finally did she broke down into me stuffing her face in my chest.

"i know baby"  I softly said embracing her more into me. She finally accepted me and wrapped around me gripping on my hair.

"you know i'll be back" I told her quietly once her cried began to calm some.

"B-But I-I don't want you to leave" she hiccuped letting out a broken sob after.

"I have to noonk" I said kissing the bridge of nose her while she kept hiccuping and sniffling.

"why ?" She asked quietly.

"I have to go help Michael, he's been upset lately and something happened while I was gone" I explained wiping her tears.

She gasped softly looking back "is he ok ?"

"I don't know baby, that's why I have to go help him"  I said while she looked down.

"I can help him, he's my brother" she said then looked up at me "Can I come ? Please ?"

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