the poet decorates rose scented words
for someone who resides in her heart
she talks highly of them in her poetry
she relishes playing the poet's partas time goes on, the pages are filled
the someone has left, the poems remain
roses from her heart are all poured out
the love was lost, all that's left is painthe feelings she weaved into her poems
were the feelings she longed to receive
the words of her poetry now run dry
for her pen and heart no longer bleedand now that hope has turned to fatigue
she discovers a poet's greatest misery
of how they'll always play the poet's part
but can never be part of someone's poetry.
the rose comes with thorns
Poetrywhat drew your attention to this book? was it the delicate red rose on the cover? ... or was it its thorns? yes, the rose is daintily alluring, but you will only notice the thorns once you take a closer look. i like to imagine my poetry as this thor...