how could i forget
your wings of intricate design
glowing specs of amber
like the sunshine of July
your golden energy always wowed me
it had made me realise
that my sorrow-stained petals were healing
previously deteriorating in disguise
my presence was finally noticed
for the very first time ?
this a blessing
sent into this small field of mine
a once isolated daffodil's soul
learnt how it's like to be loved
oh such an ethereal bond !
can't be missed by the sun above
my effulgent love for you was so rich
that i gave you all the sweet blood i could supply
and when i ran out and fell dry
i was struck by an unexpected goodbye
isn't it so foolish of me to think
that only our bond was divine ?
when you shared that golden energy with every daffodil
then oh butterfly, who am i in your life ?
while you were my deeply beloved
yours were the flowers all the other butterflies liked
then why am I wasting my energy, love and care for you
why am I constantly consoling myself with a lie ?
a lie that whispers to me that you would die for me
just as much as I would die for you
a lie which is the sole thing holding my fragile petals in place
a lie i hopelessly wished was true
you were the betraying butterfly
and I was your one time rodeo
oh silly naive me, i should have known
that you'd use me and leave me at my low
and now i stand here frail & feeble
with the soil patiently waiting for me to die
before i wither away, you should know
this poem isn't about a daffodil nor a butterfly
the rose comes with thorns
Poezjawhat drew your attention to this book? was it the delicate red rose on the cover? ... or was it its thorns? yes, the rose is daintily alluring, but you will only notice the thorns once you take a closer look. i like to imagine my poetry as this thor...