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This story is dedicated to diana2313

You and Harry have been dating for about a year now and his friends are your friends too. After a long day at the recording studio, you decided to go and see them as they were leaving. "Hey Diana!" Liam shouted from across the room. He ran up and gave you a big hug before Harry could. It surprised you a little but you didn't mind, apart from Harry, Liam was the one you got along with the most. "Hi Liam", you smiled as he let you go. You turned around to see Harry looking not so happy. "What's wrong babe", you said as he clenched his jaw. "Nothing I'm fine, he said and then walked away with the rest of the boys leaving you startled that you didn't even get a hug.
A little while later, you'd all had dinner and settled down to watch a movie. Half way through, you and Liam got bored and decided to play popcorn wars. One of them hit Liam's face as you both quietly catapulted them across to each other (unaware that Harry was watching.) All of a sudden Harry walked out of the room and made his way upstairs. You decided to follow him as you were concerned. "Harry what are you doing", you curiously asked. "I can't stand it, you and Liam are always flirting with each other!" He said, raising his voice a little which shocked you.
"What do you mean, we weren't flirting with each other. I knew Liam before I knew you, we've been best friends for ages and I don't like him in that way". "I'm sorry Diana, I just wish you would spend a bit more time with me, I don't want to share you."
"Harry are you jealous?"
"I don't know maybe, all I know is that Diana, you are my world and I would never want to lose you. "
"I love you too Harry and I promise I'll will never leave you, Now come on let's stop this and go downstairs."
He pulled you in for a kiss and then you both went downstairs to the living room only to find that the boys had fallen asleep. "Harry " you asked. "Where are the black markers". Harry gave you a cheeky smile and let's just say Niall didn't fall asleep with a moustache but definitely woke up with one.

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