'That' time of the month ^^

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You and Harry were walking through the park. You noticed that you'd had a stomach ache all day but didn't want to bail on Harry as you haven't seen him in a while so you just accepted it and didn't put a pad on because you'd ran out. You both sat on a bench and talked for a while until it got a bit chilly so you decided to make your way home. As you got up Harry quickly shuffled close to your back.

"Babe". He whispered, "you've got a skid mark on your pants". You went red with embarrassment. He quickly took his jacket off and wrapped it round your waist. You stopped off at the shop on the way home to get some pads and then when you got in, you changed and then spent the rest of the day in bed with him and a hot water bottle.


hope you liked it kittens ^^

remember this is all my own work please don't copy it ^^

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