He hurts you :(

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*DISCLAIMER* I know Harry wouldn't do something like this.

You were doing your nails, waiting for Harry to come home. He went out with the boys but you decided to stay home because you had a headache. The fumes from the nail polish weren't helping either. After your nails had dried you put everything away, all of a sudden you hear the door open and close. It was probably him. You went downstairs to be greeted by Louis holding a drunk Harry.

"Hey, Y/N." Louis said "Harry partied abit too hard so i drove him back."

You gave him a smile. "Thanks Lou, " you said as Louis plopped Harry down at the kitchen table.

"Any time". He said and left.

"Come on Harry, lets get you up to bed."

"No" he mumbled.

"Come on Harry, its nearly 12:00am".

"What don't...you... understand...about NO!" he shouted, scaring you a little.

He charged towards you and pushed you up against the wall, restraining both of your wrists with his hands.

"Ouch Harry you're hurting me". You cried, but it was no use. He just squeezed your wrists tighter. This wasn't the man you fell in love with. This was a drunk monster. A tear escaped your eye. He saw it and finally let go.

"Y/N, im so sorry, i don't kno-"

all of a sudden he dropped to his knees, hugging your legs like a child.

"I'm so sorry", he whispered.

You were stood there frozen with fear, holding your wrist. Until you crouched down to his level and hugged him. He hugged you back.

"Its ok babe, you are drunk, it was my fault." His eyes were all red and puffy from crying.

"No Y/N, don't you ever think that this was your fault. I'm so sorry, i will never do this again, i promise."

"I forgive you Harry."

You just sat there holding each other until you both decided to go up to bed.


Hi kittens, hope you are all good, sorry i haven't been updating in quite a while. Naughty me ^^. i just didn't know what to write about.

sorry this was abit sad. I promise the next one will be abit more jolly. Let me know what you think ^^. I would love to hear your suggestions, because your input matters to me kittens ^^.

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