Your sick :(

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You had a cold all day and felt like crap,  You were out with your best mates as you hadn't seen them in ages. You just wished you were home with Harry. After about 2 hours of shopping, shopping and more shopping, You decided to call it a day and your friend dropped you off home. You got in the kitchen and sat on the kitchen table were your pyjamas that you had bought with Harry last week. He had matching ones too. There was a note attached to them, it read:

'Go upstairs, put these on and then meet me in the living room.'

- Harry xx

as soon as you finished reading the note you stumbled upstairs, put them on and went into the living room. As you opened the door you saw pillows and blankets covering the floor and laid on top of them was Harry, wearing them matching PJ's. He was holding a DVD, 'Love Actually'. Your favourite. He got up and kissed your forehead. He knew you wouldn't have let him kiss your lips because you didn't want him to catch anything. He got some ice cream out of the freezer and you both cuddled up in the blankets to watch the movie. after that you watched 'The Notebook'. Half way through the movie Harry got a tissue and wiped his eyes. Obviously he blamed it on the fact that he might have been coming down with something. You spent the rest of the night in his arms. Best sick day ever.


Thanks for reading kittens ^^

this is definitely one of my faves ^^

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