He gets jealous ^^

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A/N: this preference is going to be from Harry's POV. Because i think it works better like that. Hope you enjoy ok bye x

Me and Y/N walk into the coffee shop i used to work in when i first met her. They had already replaced me with another boy who looked about my age.

"Two small hazelnut coffees please".

He looked straight at Y/N and his eyes immediately lit up.

"well hello", he said to her. "my names Josh". He said.

"erm hi my names Y/N".

"Y/N huh. A pretty name for a pretty girl", he said completely ignoring the fact i was there. I cleared my throat and he quickly looked at me.

"Oh im sorry did you say something".

"yes actually, two small hazelnut coffees please". I gritted my teeth. Me and Y/N sat down at a table. After about 5 minutes i went to the bathroom but when i got back Josh was sat at our table drinking MY coffee. As i walked over i heard him say that she is beautiful then he gave her a stupid wink. He made my blood boil.

"what do you think you are doing, she is MY girlfriend NOT YOURS!" I yelled which made people turn and look at me but i didn't care.

"Come on Y/N we're leaving" i said a little lower.

She grabbed her coffee and we left.

"I hate people like that". I spat.

"Are you jealous". She asked

"Maybe a little bit, i really should have expected guys to flirt with you, i mean you are beautiful".

she blushed and kissed my cheek.

"Next time we're going to Starbucks". We both laughed and walked back home.


Hope you enjoyed it kittens ^^

5 more reads till 500 reads i remember when i got all exited over 1 READ. Thankyou so much for reading my preferences, it means so much to me. ^^

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