He hears you sing ^^

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You were cleaning the house whilst listening to your favourite tunes. Sam Smith, Stay With Me came on and you started singing to it quietly. Not realising Harry had just walked in. You were now singing the chorus. "Oh won't you STAY WITH MEEE, because you're ALL I NEED". He got his phone out and recorded you. Whilst you were in your own little world, still not realising he was there. Later on you were sat on the sofa with him watching TV.

"Hey babe". He said, "Look at this YouTube video".

Your mouth dropped open when you realised it was YOU!


"Sorry babe, i just had to you have a beautiful voice". He says, blushing a little.

That was when you realised it had thousands of views in a couple of hours. And everyone in the comments loved it.

you still made harry believe you was mad at him for a while. But you secretly loved that you were a viral star. ^^


Thanks for reading kittens ^^

i love this one because i literally just made it up on the spot.

i hope you like it as much as i do ^^

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