Your first date ^^

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You hear a knock at the door and open it to find a shy harry wearing a white t shirt, black skinny jeans and that same beanie.

"you look stunning" he says breaking the silence.

"you don't look to bad yourself" you smirk awkwardly. He smiles and you shut your door and follow him to his car. He opens the door for you like a gentleman, you both get in and set off.

"so, where are we going then styles" you ask.

"You'll see". His words making you more and more curious. You noticed a picnic basket and blanket on the back seat. Your first clues. You both pulled up on the side of a road next to a field. He took you to the top of a large hill. It took you a minute to catch your breath and take in the beautiful landscape laid out below you. All the while Harry was behind you setting up the picnic. He thought of everything. Sandwiches, sweets, chocolate covered strawberries. It was all just perfect, he even brought a flask with your favourite coffee in. After you'd eaten, you snuggled up next to Harry and you both watched the sunset. You couldn't have wished for a better night.


hope you liked it kittens ^^ sorry i know its abit short ^^

remember this is my own work. Please don't copy it ^^

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