His christmas present for you ^^

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You had been out all day Christmas shopping and just wanted to have a nice sit down and a hot chocolate. You walked through the door and Harry quickly rushed out of the living room making sure he had closed the door behind him.

'Babe, i didn't know you'd be back so soon'. Be said acting a little suspicious.

'Why Harry, what's wrong".

'Just come with me', he said taking your arm. Before you could say anything he covered your eyes with his hands and lead you into the living room. He took his hands away and there, sat in the middle of the room was a little, fluffy black and white kitten.

'Surprise'. Harry whispered as you gazed at the little ball of fluff.

'Thankyou so much Harry", you beamed as you gave him a kiss. You named the kitten Annabelle and you and Harry spent the rest of the day playing with her.

'I'll give you your present later when Annabelle's asleep'. You whispered to him followed by a wink.

'well i hope she's a heavy sleeper'. He whispered back with a cheeky smile.


I really wanted to add a kitten into the equation as i think cats are the most adorable creatures ever. ^^

the 'Your present for him' preference is coming soon, im a little stuck so if you have any suggestions let me know down below. Wow that rhymed.

Hope you liked it kittens^^

don't forget to follow me and you will receive a FREE invisible kitten. ^^

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