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You you were making dinner for you and Harry one night when you heard some footsteps coming up behind you. "Harry is that you". Silence. Before you could turn around a strong hand grabbed your waist and you felt the soft grip of fabric tighten against your face and that's when it all went black. You tried to scream but you couldn't, the other hand had already found its way around your mouth and it was hard to breathe but it wasn't that tight that it could suffocate. You could feel the figure leading you to the door with his powerful movements. The next ten minutes were kind of a blur. All you knew was that you were in the arms of this stranger and you so desperately wanted to escape. The next thing you knew, you were stood somewhere. The figure started to untie your blindfold. The cloth slipped down your face, it took a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the light before they widened in disbelief.

To Be Continued...


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