He finds out you're pregnant ^^

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Harry's POV:

Me and Y/N were laying in the middle of a poppy field. The fibres from the picnic blanket were tickling the back of my neck like a thousand tiny feathers. Y/N turned to face me.

"Harry", she whispered.

"Yeah babe, what is it"

"I have something to tell you, don't get mad".

I sat up and brushed my hand through my curls.

"What is it". I repeated, my voice getting a little louder as i became frustrated.

"I'm pregnant".

I just sat there for a while trying to take it all in.

"See, i knew you'd get mad. I'm sorry, i don't kno-"

"Woah, calm down im not mad".

"You're not?"

"No, in fact, im happy".

"But we are so young, what if we aren't ready".

"No one is ready to be a parent. But its okay. We will learn as we go along and its okay if we make mistakes. All i know is, there is no one else i'd rather raise a kid with than you".

"Oh Harry, i love you so much."

"I love you too princess".

I laid back down, Y/N shuffled into my arms and we spent the rest of the night watching the stars.


Hope you liked that kittens. ^^

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