07 - Flashbacks & Matches

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Hunter's POV:

"This is the last one, correct?" The mans slimy hands wrap around my arm, plunging the cold needle of blue liquid into my shoulder. 

Here we go again....

Darkness consumes me, my body feels heavy and my world spins out till its' nothingness. It's not this part that frightens me - it's what happens after I wake up that makes me wish I never did. That this time, somehow or some way - their experiment went horribly wrong and I no longer have to endure it. 

My vision comes staggering back to me as I feel my body reboot after their latest concoction of 'Super serum' - at least thats what I call it. 

These stupid scientists remind me of those super hero movies I used to watch as a kid where they would create the heroes, only they never did show this part. 

I blink the sleep out of my eyes as the harsh overhead lights come into focus. "Ahh there he is. Bring over the leather strap and up the voltage."

Panic grips me as I feel hands all over my body. I tense, waiting for the inevitable pain and it doesn't make me wait. Thousands of voltages pulse through my limbs tearing me apart from the inside out and when thats not enough the whips beats down on back over and over and over again. 

I scream, I struggle, I kick and I bark - but nothing stops them. 

Their lack of results has eventually got to make them give up, right?  

I don't think I can take this much longer....


Sleep doesn't come to me, not an unusual circumstance. 

However, what is an unusual circumstance is that little Omega I saw yesterday who refuses to leave my mind.

Normally my brain refuses to let go of my past memories of pain and long nights, never letting me sleep. A happy childhood of endless pain and tests followed by the even happier teenage years of countless foster homes and neglect, goes on repeat in my dreams.

See people think i'm odd and somewhere deep down I know I am. I can't touch most people anymore without needing to throw up for fucks sake.

In my mind I see no reason to form useless connections, people will always leave. Its inevitable. 

But I know thats no way to live so I decided a long time back to let some people in, my pack and my real brothers.

They consume my every thought - where are they? Are they Hurt? Did they leave? Have they gotten them? 

I'm not insane, i'm just different. At least thats what King tells me and even though I know its some poster therapy bullshit it makes me feel a little better, though I would never tell him that.

Swinging my legs over the bed I search my room for a shirt, settling on a rumpled black t-shirt that I throw over myself. Someone really needs to get on top of fixing that washing machine. 

The clock on my side table tells me it's 5:30am. I need to check on the rest of the pack and maybe even that Omega. 

Making my way down the stairs I feel a tug at my chest. Someone's up.

Taking the steps more carefully I use the shadows to conceal my frame. I move to sniff the air trying to get a read on if this person is my pack, a club member or an intruder.

But the scent that hits me almost knocks me to my feet. 


Delicious sweet honey that reminds me of a life before pain. 

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