chapter twenty three

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In the Gilbert House, Stefan and Elena were on the hunt for Jonathan Gilbert's journal to lead the way to Emily's grimoire.

Elena was rummaging through boxes of her parents old stuff, she was coming across old photos of when her and Jeremy were kids and her parents wedding photos.

She found a few of Aunt Jenna and her mom. The smile that spread across Elena's face.

Until she pulled out an older photo, it felt like metal underneath her finger tips. Elena wrinkled her eyebrows thinking how odd it was that it was metal.

Stefan stood up from the stool at the kitchen island walking over to Elena. He peered down at the photo instantly recognizing the gentleman in the photo she was holding.
"That's Jonathan Gilbert."

Jonathan had on a hat and a bowtie with a white button and a black suit jacket in the photo. He wasn't smiling just emotionless in the photo.

Elena looks down pulling out a wooden box that caught her attention. "What's this?."

She opens it to show what almost looks like a muzzle. It was old and completely made of metal and leather.

Stefan leaned up from leaning over Elena instantly recognizing the muzzle. It's used for vampires.

"What are you guys doing?." Jeremy asks walking into the kitchen.

Elena looks up closing the box and putting it back into the cardboard box with all the family antiques are in.

"Hey. Just, um, going through some stuff. Feeling sentimental." Elena chuckles lightly. "Dad had this old journal I thought I'd dig it up." She shrugs nonchalantly.

"Jonathan Gilbert's journal?." Jeremy questions when he hops up sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah what do you know about it?." Elena tilts her head to the side.

"I just did a history report on it." Jeremy answers.

"Oh. Where is it now?." Elena questions further.

"Gave it to Mr. Saltzman. He wanted to see it." Jeremy says as if it's not a big deal.

Elena looks up to Stefan as they exchange a look between each other.


Alaric sat at his desk in his classroom of the highschool as he read Jonathan Gilbert's journal.

I met Bernadette and Giuseppe this evening. I saw the skeptism in their eyes when I showed them the compass.

Mystic Falls,1864

Giuseppe wanted to laugh in Jonathan's face, a compass that can track vampires no way.
"And we're supposed to believe that can track one of them?."

The compass was gold and had an odd pointer to show you where the vampires can be located.

"What is it magic?." Bernadette asks.

Jonathan wanted to tell the truth but he couldn't let them know about witches quite yet, he asked the young girl with long black hair if she could make him a compass that could track the supernatural.

She said she could but at a price.

Jonathan paid her to make it with in days time and she produced the product. A compass that could track vampires, but the young girl didn't have to know that.

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