[ 47 ]

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A/N: do I have to put disclaimers here for gore?? I feel like this has been messy from the start. But TW for mentions of blood, graphic murder, the whole shebang and enjoy:)

The sterile white lights of the medical bay nearly gave Pietro a headache. Only a handful of S.H.I.E.L.D. doctors were in the room, all speaking in hushed murmurs as they looked at paperwork and discussed Scarlett Rose's condition.

The bed that she had been occupying for the last twenty four hours was empty. The sterile white blankets and sheets neatly pulled over the pillow and tucked underneath the mattress. It was like she had never even been in it.

The Quicksilver let his gaze fall upon his fellow Avenger. Bruce Banner sat at a table off to the side, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and eyes narrowed as he stared at the computer screen in front of him.

"Where's Scarlett?"

Bruce looked up to the young man, clearing his throat and running his hand through his graying hair.

"Hey, Pietro, um, I was just–,"

"She agreed that she wouldn't leave the room for a few more days." Pietro crossed his arms.

"She's a very stubborn person, kid. I tried to tell her but even on the edge of her deathbed, she wouldn't listen."

"Sounds like her." He sighed. "Where'd she go?"

"Maria was letting her listen in on a meeting with some higher ups."

"What are you looking at?" Pietro directed his eyes to the x-ray that was pulled up on the computer monitor.

"Just going over Scarlett's injuries. It's.... I know I've said it a dozen times, but it's a miracle she's alive."

"And that's why she shouldn't be out of this room."

"A few broken bones and some internal bleeding isn't going to keep Scarlett down."

Pietro and Bruce both looked towards the door. Bucky, Natasha, Sam, and Steve were walking into the room.

"You'd think it would at least slow her down." Pietro grumbled. "Am I the only one trying to take her injuries seriously?"

Bucky grinned just a little.

"You should know by now, Maximoff, that you can't tell her anything." Natasha shook her head.

"What are you guys doing here?" Bruce asked.

"Came to see the patient." Bucky looked over to the empty bed.

"How was she doing this morning?" Steve directed his question to Bruce. He came to stand just behind the scientist, looking at the x-ray on the screen.

"She doesn't have blood in her lungs anymore. Second I told her that, she was gone."

"How did she seem?" Natasha pulled a chair up to the desk to sit by Bruce.

"Quiet. She didn't talk much or ask any of the doctors or me questions. But she.... She didn't seem all there, if that makes sense."

"The girl's batshit." Sam grunted. "Makes plenty of sense."

Pietro rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to go find her and bring her back."

"Good luck, kid." Bucky muttered.

The group of Avengers watched the young man leave the room.

"What do you mean she wasn't all there, Banner?" Steve directed everyone's attention to the Hulk.

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