"Pietro, I already asked you to stop so now I'm telling you." Scarlett glared across the room at the grinning man. "Quit making that noise."
He had been helping Scarlett settle into her room but quickly became bored after she got after him for messing in her things. Do to his boredom, he had started to click his tongue, whistle, and basically make any sort of noise he could to occupy himself.
"Then pay attention to me, princessa." He threw himself down on her bed, knocking over a neatly folded pile of clothes. Scarlett was about to get after him for it when her phone buzzed on the stand by her bed.
"Yeah?" She answered the call, tucking it between her ear and shoulder so that she could continue folding her clothes.
"Scarlett, it's me." Vince said. "Hey, I wasn't sure if anyone had gotten ahold of you about Brody Winters."
"What about him?" Scarlett dropped the article of clothing in her hand and picked her phone up.
"He was found dead in his hotel room in Brooklyn."
Scarlett sat down on the edge of her bed, her hand gripping her knee tightly.
"What happened?" She kept her voice level, unwilling to allow Vince to hear her emotional.
"We don't know a lot yet, but it looks like a self-inflicted G.S.W. to the head."
She pulled the phone away from her face for a moment. She took a steady deep breath, swallowing the lump in her throat.
"Do you know what he was doing in New York, Scarlett?"
"No." She answered truthfully with a little shake of her head. "Last I knew, he was in Mexico at the Bunker. Um, listen, Vince. I've got a lot of things going on here. I'll talk to you later."
Without giving him a chance to say good-bye, Scarlett hung up on him. Her hands curled into tight fists as her eyes stared blankly at the alarm clock on the stand by her bed. There were way too many emotions flowing through her and she didn't know how to process them all. The phone in her hand cracked and shattered under her grip. With a frustrated growl, she threw the now broken phone into the wall, busting the drywall.
"What's wrong, princessa?"
Scarlett stood to her feet and turned to yell at Pietro, but she stopped herself at the last minute. He hadn't done anything to make her feel the storm brewing inside. He didn't deserve the effects of the storm.
"Nothing." She gritted through her teeth. "I need to leave."
"What? Why? Where-Where are you going to go?" Pietro furrowed his brows together. Scarlett grabbed her jacket off of her bed and moved towards the door. Pietro was suddenly standing in front of her, blocking her path.
"Maximoff, I don't want to hurt you." She spoke through her teeth as she looked up at him. "Move."
"Tell me what's wrong, princessa."
"I will later, but I need to leave before I hurt you or anyone else in this Tower."
He looked down at her, worried and confused. Her eyes were glossy but she refuses to meet his gaze. He stepped aside, thinking maybe she'd decide to stay if he gave her the option to leave. But she pulled the door open and left.
Scarlett came to a stop just outside of the morgue in a hospital in downtown Brooklyn. Her boots seemed frozen to the ground as she peered through the window on the door. Inside were two men talking to each other off to the side of the room. Laying on a metal slab towards the back corner of the morgue was Brody Winters.

Control (Avengers Fan Fiction)
Fanfic"I am violent, bitter, and ugly! Inside and out!" She growled through clenched teeth at him. She didn't understand why he wouldn't turn and run. Everyone else would the second she raised her voice. Why didn't he do the same? "Oh, princessa." A soft...