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Scarlett stood in the doorway to one of the training rooms. It was early in the morning and after she managed to sneak away from Bucky, she unknowingly found her way to the training room. Only a handful of Avengers were present. Steve, Natasha, Peter, and Sam were the only ones willing to train so early. Pietro and Clint sat off to the side of the room, quietly chatting while they did their best to stay awake.

Scarlett watched as Sam sparred with Natasha. He was doing okay until he slid his left foot back a little too much, giving the Widow the perfect opportunity to wrap her leg around his and take him to the floor.

"Damn it." Sam cursed. While Natasha stood to her feet, he remained on his back on the ground. "Why does that keep happening?"

"You compromise your stance when you slide your foot back further than you should." Scarlett told him. "A poor stance sets you up for failure."

"Where's Bucky?" Steve asked her. He had been working with Peter. He looked away just as Peter was swinging for him. The kid landed a solid punch to Steve's cheek. He turned his head to look at Peter, who was now slowly stepping away from him.

"I don't know. I'm not his babysitter." Scarlett shrugged her shoulders.

"No, but you're suppose to stay with him or one of us at all times."

"I'm not going to do anything. I'm not stupid." She rolled her eyes at him.

"No, but you are dangerous. None of us trust you yet and I'm positive you don't trust us."

"Well you aren't wrong." Scarlett let out a heavy sigh. "How long have you been training, Wilson?"

"Oh, she knows my name." Sam sarcastically muttered. "A few months. Why do you ask?"

"Who's training you?"

"Nat, Cap, sometimes Barnes, Barton when he's not on his ass—,"

"Why are you asking so many questions, Scarlett?" Steve asked her as he started to unwrap his hands.

"I strongly believe that everyone should be able to fight for themselves. And it's kinda sad that a, what, thirty-something year old man doesn't know how to throw a punch—,"

"Hey! Hey!" Sam furrowed his brows together. "I can throw a punch!"

"Just cause you can throw your hands around doesn't mean you can throw a punch."

"Well I'm about to throw these hands—,"

"Don't, Sam." Steve shook his head.

"Why don't you come in and show him the right way?" Natasha suggested. She wasn't sure where this would go but she wanted Scarlett to feel included. She watched the dark haired girl shift her weight from one foot to the other before she took a few steps into the room. "Have you taught someone how to fight before?"

"Plenty of times." Scarlett nodded her head once.

"Show him what he did wrong." Natasha did her best to hide the hopeful smile that came to her lips. Scarlett nodded her head, brushing her hair back out of her eyes. "Which one do you want to be?"

"I'll be him. Don't go easy on me." Scarlett got into position, remembering how Sam was standing just before Natasha took him to the ground. She slid her foot back a little too much, giving Natasha the ability to use Scarlett's own weight against her. Natasha hooked her leg around Scarlett's leg and easily took her down to the floor. Scarlett landed with a huff on her back.

"You okay?" Natasha got to her feet and held her hand out for her daughter. Scarlett cautiously looked at her hand before placing her own in Natasha's.

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