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Vince slipped into the hotel room that belonged to Claire Bellamy. The lights were off but there were a few candles burning around the room. Soft music played. Vince closed the door to the room behind himself.

"I think you out did yourself this time, babe." He felt around on the wall for a light. He found it and turned it on.

Claire Bellamy was laying across the large king sized bed on her stomach in a pair of red lacy underwear and a bra. Her throat had been slit. She was in a pool of her own blood.

"Hello, Vince." Scarlett spoke from a chair next to the bed. Her knees were crossed and she was leaning back casually in the chair. Her foot on top was bouncing up and down gently. She was dressed in black skinny jeans, chunky heeled combat boots, a black v-neck long sleeve, a gray zip up, and a burgundy leather jacket. Her dark hair was left down, which was extremely unlike her. Her nails tapped rhythmically against the wooden arm of the chair.

"Scarlett, what the hell did you do?" Vince's heart dropped to his stomach at the sight before him.

"Something I should've done when I first caught you sleeping with her." Scarlett pushed herself to her feet. Vince saw the knife she was holding in her left hand. He reached back for the door knob.

"Baby, I swear I didn't come here to do what it looked like." He held his other hand up to her like she was a wild animal and he was being cornered. "She was planning on having you killed, Scarlett."

"You think she has the resources to kill me?" Scarlett stopped in the center of the room. She had seen him put his hand on the door handle. He was ready to run. They both knew she was faster. She stabbed the knife into the end of the mattress and crossed her arms. "You think you can make me look like a fucking idiot when you go around messing with her? Everyone has been talking about you two.

"Scarlett, I—,"

"Shut up." She cut him off. She took a few steps towards him until they stood toe to toe. Her darkened eyes searched his fearful ones. "Did you think you could plot my murder without me knowing about it, Vincent?"

His jaw locked and his features hardened.

"I'm not even pissed about that anymore." Scarlett took a knife from her hip and lodged it into his side in the blink of an eye. "You killed Brody Winters."

Vince cried out in pain and hunched over. Scarlett twisted the blade inside his abdomen. He collapsed to his knees.

"I-I had no choice, Scar-Scarlett. Pierce—,"

"I don't want to hear it." She spoke through her teeth to him. She had expected him to put up a fight. This was too easy. Her fingers fisted the material to his black long sleeve and pulled him across the room. Scarlett pushed him into the coffee table near the sofa in the little lounging part of the hotel room. He landed on his back, the table shattering under his weight. His eyes were stuck to the ceiling as he tried to regulate his breathing.

The door to the hotel room burst open, causing Scarlett to draw the gun hidden inside of her leather jacket. She held it up to the intruder, intending on taking them out immediately. It was Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes. Scarlett didn't lower her weapon upon realizing it was them.

"Why did you follow me?"

"Maximoff said you were doing something stupid." Bucky's eyes briefly flickered to the body on the bed. "We don't want you slipping up and doing something that'll get you caught."

"I don't slip up." Scarlett glanced over her shoulder to see Vince was trying to get to his feet. She raked her fingers through her hair and put her gun down. She pushed away the emotions that threatened to make this difficult for her. She put her gun down on the edge of the bed and picked up the knife she had lodged into the mattress.

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