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It was late when they got back to Malibu. Wanda, Vision, and Peter were the first to get out of the car, leaving Scarlett and Pietro in the garage alone.

"I'm sorry for tonight, princessa." He murmured gently, bringing her hand up so he could kiss her knuckles.

"Don't be sorry." She shook her head, a rare smile crossing her lips. "Tonight was one of the best nights of my life. I had fun."

"Good." Pietro got out of the car. He was at her side in a heartbeat, pulling her from the backseat of the Audi.


In one hand, Scarlett held her new teddy bear. I'm the opposite hand, her fingers were laced with Pietro's. She wasn't expecting anyone to be awake, so she carelessly leaned against his arm as they walked.

Sitting around the living room was Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Pepper, Bruce, Tony, and Thor. Scarlett immediately let Pietro's hand go.

"How was it?" Natasha asked. She hid the bright smile that threatened to cross her lips. She had seen her daughter holding Pietro's hand, everyone in the room had.

"It was fun." Pietro answered, looking to Scarlett for reassurance.

"I broke a kid's hand."

"Sounds like you had a good time." Tony commented. The Avengers watched as the two young adults left the room. Scarlett followed quietly behind Pietro. "Wow."

"Wow what?" Steve furrowed his brows at the Iron Man.

"Maximoff has got it hard for her."

"Oh my God, Tony." Bruce winced at his best friend.

"Careful what you say, Stark." Bucky shifted around in his seat. "That's my daughter."

"I mean absolutely no disrespect to you or your little ray of sunshine, Sarge. I'm just sorta surprised he likes her. She's not his type."

"He doesn't have a type, Tony." Natasha shook her head. "You've seen the girls he brings to parties."

"All of them have one thing that Scar doesn't." Tony stood up and moved to get himself a drink. "They're not aggressive or hostile like she can be. They're all giggles and smiles all the time. But hey, I'm happy for the kid. I think he's helping her a lot."

"I think so too." Pepper agreed, taking a sip of her champagne. "Did you see the teddy bear Scarlett was holding? What if Pietro won it for her?"

"That would be super sweet." Tony grinned a little. "You think she'd make a good Avenger?"


Once they were down the hallway and out of sight from the others, Scarlett returned to walking alongside Pietro. He glanced over to her, his eyes studying her face briefly.

"Princessa, I think they already know about us."

"They do." She nodded her head softly.

"Then why'd you let go of my hand out there?" Pietro stopped at her door.

"Maybe I'm not ready to accept that I'm cheating on the man I've been with for almost ten years with a boy I met only a few months ago." Scarlett's voice lowered as she gazed up at him, fidgeting with the stuffed bear in her hands. Pietro furrowed his brows together, his eyes searching hers.

"Are you.... Are you serious?"

"Don't act so surprised, Maximoff." Scarlett rolled her eyes as she opened the door to her room and stepped in. "You knew I was with him."

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