Scarlett gently brushed her fingers through Pietro's disheveled silver hair. He had been sound asleep all night. She envied his ability to sleep so soundly. She couldn't remember the last time she slept through the night. Most of the time, she only managed to catch a few hours before her mind woke her up and kept her from slumber.
She laid on her back in the center of her bed. Pietro was on his stomach with his head resting on her chest. One of his arms wrapped firmly around her torso, holding her as close as possible, while the other arm was tucked underneath her shoulders. Their legs tangled together underneath the blankets. Scarlett liked the way his skin felt against her. It was oddly comforting and peaceful. His body seemed to run at a higher temperature than a normal person's. He was like her personal space heater.
A soft knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts. Fearing that whoever it was would wake Pietro up and she'd have to kick their ass, Scarlett carefully slipped out of Pietro's arms. He whined softly at the loss of contact, but Scarlett pressed a kiss to his cheek and brushed his tousled curls out of his face. She went to the door and opened it just a little. It was Bucky.
"Hey, kid. I know it's early but me and Steve were gonna go for a run. You wanna join us?" He asked her, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.
"Yeah." She nodded her head with a little smile. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be out."
Scarlett closed the door to her room and leaned against the door for a moment. Her eyes found the man in her bed. She didn't want to leave Pietro, but she was a little unsteady about staying. Maybe spending some time away from Pietro would do her good. She could think without his presence.
Pietro lifted his head at the sound of the door opening. Scarlett stepped into her room and closed the door behind herself. She was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a white skintight long sleeve. Her dark hair appeared damp. She just got out of the shower.
"I thought you left." Pietro frowned.
"I went for a run with Barnes and Rogers." Scarlett moved leaned against the door. She bit her bottom lip for a moment, her eyes glued to Pietro.
"What?" He propped himself up on one elbow to look at her.
"I'm just.... just glad you're here." A gentle smile crossed her lips.
"Glad to be here, princessa."
"Get out of my room." Scarlett pushed her door open and held it with her foot. "It's almost ten. You aren't sleeping the whole day."
Pietro let out a groan and threw himself back down on to the bed. He paused for a moment to stare at the ceiling before sighing heavily and standing up.
"You make me crazy." He pressed a kiss to her forehead then left the room. Scarlett stepped out of her room, letting the door click shut behind her.
Natasha stood just down the hallway, curiously watching what had just happened. She had seen Pietro kiss her daughter on the forehead and leave her room.
"What?" Scarlett stiffened up a little, unsure of what Natasha was thinking.
"I'm happy you're happy." The Widow smiled softly. "Just be sure you two are being safe when it comes to—,"
"Jesus, Nat. I'm twenty-three, not thirteen. I don't need the sex talk." Scarlett cut her off, rubbing her eyes.
"Well I just know you haven't had the best upbringing and I wanted to make sure you knew how to go about that sort of thing. Protection is important and not every young adult realizes it. That's how I had you, you know."

Control (Avengers Fan Fiction)
Fanfiction"I am violent, bitter, and ugly! Inside and out!" She growled through clenched teeth at him. She didn't understand why he wouldn't turn and run. Everyone else would the second she raised her voice. Why didn't he do the same? "Oh, princessa." A soft...