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As Scarlett pushed through the halls of the Compound, she did her best to ignore the agents bustling around. The explosion on the roof had set off alarms and everyone was eager to find out what the problem was.

"Watch it." She snarled as an agent accidentally bumped into her. He turned to face her, hesitantly reaching for the gun on his hip. Scarlett let go of her injured shoulder and prepared to fight. "Pull it out. I dare you."

The agent seemed unsure of his own actions. He didn't know if he wanted to fight her or not. Scarlett could sense his hesitation and a dangerous smirk crossed her lips. Hesitation was a sign of weakness. Just as she was taking a step towards the agent, a gust of wind blew her dark hair into her face. Pietro was standing between her and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

"What's going on?"

"She threatened my life."

"I did not." Scarlett spoke through clenched teeth. "But that can be arranged."

"Come on, Scarlett. He's not worth it." Pietro shook his head and started to walk towards her. Scarlett huffed and turned away from him. He took note of the way she seemed to cradle her left shoulder like it was hurting her. "What happened?"



Pietro followed her through the busy hallways until they got to the housing quarters . She came to a stop at the door to her room. It opened with a hiss.

"Scarlett, I think you're bleeding." Pietro furrowed his brows together as he looked down at the floor. There were a few drops of blood on the steel flooring. She didn't seem to hear him. Pietro lingered in the doorway, watching as Scarlett shrugged off her black jacket, leaving her in a pair of dark skinny jeans and a gray long sleeve. Through the gray material of the long sleeve shirt, a dark red stain could be seen on her left side. That wasn't the only place she was bleeding from. Another bullet had grazed her right bicep. There was blood splattered on the front of her shirt but it didn't appear to be hers.

"Damn it." Scarlett hissed in pain as she tried to take off her shirt. Moving her left arm was impossible.

"Do you need help?" Pietro offered. When he stepped out of the doorway, the door slid shut.

"No." She growled at him.

"Okay. I'll rephrase that." Pietro wanted to roll his eyes at her. Her stubbornness was annoying. "Let me help you."

"I don't need your help. Get out of my room."

"You can't even move your arm." Pietro moved towards her. She locked her jaw, watching with cautious blue eyes.

"I'll be fine."

"You'll bleed out." He stopped a few feet away from her. "Please, Scarlett. Just let me help you."

"Why do you want to help me?" She asked him quietly.

"Because I don't want you to bleed to death just because you're stubborn." A charming smile crossed his lips. "Come on. Every room has a first aid kit." Pietro slipped past Scarlett to go to the bathroom. As he was passing her, he saw the way she stepped away from him. He pulled open the cupboard underneath the sink in the bathroom. The first aid kit was taken out and placed on the top of the sink. "Come in here, princessa."

"Don't call me that." Scarlett grumbled as she moved into the bathroom. She took a seat on the closed lid of the toilet.

Pietro knelt down in front of Scarlett and placed the first aid kit on the floor next to him. He met her gaze for a few heartbeats.

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