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Scarlett pushed the door to the thirtieth floor open. That was where the fight was currently taking place. Scarlett's eyes flicked around to the room, hastily assessing the situation. A HYDRA team of a dozen agents were fighting Steve, Clint, Sam, Wanda, and Bucky. None of the Avengers had their equipment due to the surprise attack. Scarlett quickly found the leader of the team, Agent Jesse Mayer. He was fighting Sam.

Before Scarlett could cross the room to get to Mayer, another agent charged her. She slid one foot back and braced for the tackle. They both crashed to the floor. The agent pulled a metal bracelet from his pocket and managed to snap it around her wrist. The bracelet was instantly magnatised to the metal floor, rendering Scarlett's right hand useless. The agent drew a knife from the holster on his hip and stabbed at her stomach. She moved her upper body just in time to take the blade to the side below her ribs.

The burning sensation was masked by adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her jaw locked tightly as she fought the agent. Within a matter of seconds, she had her legs wrapped around his neck, securely holding him until he quit fighting her. Scarlett kicked the agent away then began to work on getting the metal cuff away from the floor.

Bucky knelt down next to her. She watched him with cautious eyes as he carefully pulled her wrist away from the floor. With a little effort, he managed to tear the metal off of Scarlett.

"Are you okay?" Bucky furrowed his brows together, his eyes flickering down to the red patch on her side.

"I'm fine." She stood to her feet and crossed the room. Agent Mayer had thrown Sam down on a table and was in the process of choking him to death. Scarlett grabbed Agent Mayer by the back of his neck and pulled him away from Sam. Using all of her strength, the young woman threw him into a wall which caused him to fall to the floor. She wrapped one hand securely around his neck and pulled him to his feet.

Scarlett pulled a gun from Mayer's thigh holster and held it to his head. She whistled once loudly, catching everyone's attention. The fighting ceased. The agent that had been fighting Bucky had positioned himself behind Bucky with a gun to the Soldier's head.

"What were your orders?" Scarlett's question was directed to Agent Mayer.

"Silence you." Mayer spoke through his teeth to her. "Boss seems to think you're getting soft."

Scarlett locked her jaw. She was anything but soft. The gun in her hand was turned to the agent holding Bucky hostage. A sense of dread fell over the Avengers in the room. None of them had weapons to fight the assassin. She'd easily murder all of them with the gun. Scarlett had a choice to make. She took a soft breath through her nose and pulled the trigger. Within less than five seconds, the twelve HYDRA agents were dead. Scarlett stepped aside as Agent Mayer's body fell to the floor.

Steve shifted around in his spot, his eyes flickering briefly over to Natasha. The Black Widow shook her head once, telling him not to do anything. Steve wanted to get the gun away from Scarlett.

"Scarlett, put the gun down." Natasha told her. Scarlett's eyes flickered over to the red head. Scarlett took the clip out of the magazine and tossed the parts down on to a table.

"How bad is that cut?" Steve nodded to her side.

"I'm fine." Scarlett answered flatly. She knelt down by the body closest to her and patted around until she found a phone. "I have to make a call."

"To who?" Natasha asked.

"Alexander Pierce and Reo Takahashi."

"Pierce died two years ago." Bucky shook his head, his eyes flickering to Natasha for reassurance.

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