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Two Hours Later

"I heard you went in to see the Soldier."

Scarlett looked up from the paperwork on her desk. Pierce stood in front of her desk, eyeing what she was writing.

"What are you working on?"

"Paperwork." She answered, sitting back in her chair. "Four targets in three different countries in two days. I didn't really have time to do any field reports. And as for going to see the Soldier, I just went to see how compliant he was, sir. I wanted to get a feel on his stability"


"Because if he wasn't compliant, I was positive I could make him." Scarlett lied perfectly, her eyes remaining locked with her superiors.

"What makes you say that?" Pierce crossed his arms. Scarlett was growing agitated with his distrust in her.

"Sir, I think you've forgotten what I am capable of." She crossed her knees. "Deception is one of my many specialties. I do some of my best work when I'm playing more than one angle."

"What angle were you playing when you went to talk to him?" Pierce pulled a chair up to her desk and sat down.

"I let him think that I care about him and his well-being, just like I did when I was with them at their Compound. I let them believe I wanted to leave HYDRA and I let them believe that I wanted to change. They began to trust me, and I feel that if I would've stayed a little while longer, I could've gotten them to open up to me, to tell me mission plans and strategies, things that would help us—help HYDRA."

Pierce nodded his head, his eyes intently focused on Scarlett.

"Why is it that Rumlow came to me saying you murdered Agent Maddox?"

"Maddox said the wrong things, sir." Scarlett tucked a few pieces of hair behind her ear. "I'm still working on my anger issues but he just.... he said I was a traitor to HYDRA."

"Are you?" Pierce didn't trust her. Someone had to have told him something to make him cold and confrontational towards her.

"Am I a traitor?" Scarlett furrowed her eyebrows together. "Mr. Pierce, sir, HYDRA has given me everything. They've given me a life-You've given me a life and for that, I will be forever in your debt. I owe who I am now to you and to HYDRA. You've given me a purpose."

"I'm just having difficulty understanding you, Scarlett." Pierce pinched the bridge of his nose. "You've changed since you found out about Project Recluse. I.... I really don't think we have much of a choice, Scarlett. I think you need to have your memory wiped."

Scarlett's lips parted as she gazed at him, tears stinging her eyes, threatening to take over.

"I need an agent I know is strong enough to take over once I'm gone, Scarlett." Pierce leaned forward, speaking in a soft and gentle voice. "I thought for the longest time that that would be you, but you've proved me wrong."

"I-I found out who my parents are, sir." Scarlett whispered quietly. "I found out that I-I have this greatness coursing through my veins. I never wanted a relationship with them and I still don't. I only wanted to preserve HYDRA and what we stand for. By gaining their trust, I'd get into their heads and make them think I was one of them. Sir, I could take down the Avengers. I wanted to make you proud. That's all I've ever wanted to do."

"You have made me proud, Scarlett." Pierce nodded his head. "But your recent actions haven't."

"I can make it up to you. I can infiltrate them, the Avengers. I know I can."

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