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Scarlett left her room and padded out into the living room. She had heard Natasha's car pull into the driveway. She decided that she didn't want to go into town with Natasha, Wanda, and Peter. Scarlett didn't want to risk anything bad happening. But Natasha promised to bring her back clothes and admittedly, Scarlett was a little curious to see what kind of clothes Natasha had purchased.

"So we decided we want to take your boat out on the water, Mr. Stark!" Peter announced as he walked in with bags in his hands.

"Uh, may I ask who we is?" Tony raised his brows.

"Me." Natasha grinned a little mischievously. "Peter's never been out on a yacht before. And I could use a little sun."

"Don't redheads burst into flames in the sun?" Tony teased. Natasha rolled her eyes at him and put her middle finger up. "It's not my boat. You've gotta ask Ms. Potts." He pointed in the direction of his girlfriend. "Bought that for her last Christmas."

"I think it could do everyone some good getting out on the water." Pepper nodded her head with a smile.

"Yes!" Peter clapped his hands together. Scarlett watched him disappear down the hallway.

"Most of these are your bags, Scarlett." Natasha told her.

"Why did you get me so much?" She furrowed her brows together.

"I'm a firm believer in having an outfit for every occasion." Natasha shrugged her shoulders with a soft smile. "Come on. Help me get these to your room and we can get ready."

"For what?"

"To spend the rest of the day on Pepper's yacht."

Scarlett watched with confused eyes as Natasha carried nearly a dozen bags towards the hallway the rooms were located. She didn't understand these people. They were suppose to be extraordinary heroes, but they were spending the day out on the ocean?


Scarlett gazed down at the four bathing suits laying across the end of her bed. Nearly an hour had passed since she last saw Natasha. The Widow left to make sure the rest of her team were getting themselves ready.

Scarlett shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her eyes flickering from set to set. Luckily, Natasha had taken note of Scarlett's fondness for the color black. All four suits were black. One was a simple bikini and a second one was a one piece. But the third was a one piece with the sides cut out of it and the fourth was a black bikini with a bow between the breasts.

A knock on the door tore her attention away from the suits.

"You almost ready, Scarlett?" Natasha asked through the door.

"Umm, yeah!" Scarlett called back.

She chewed on her bottom lip a little more before picking the simple black bikini and changing into it. She pulled on an oversized hoodie. A pair of shorts were plucked out of one of the bags from Natasha's shopping spree. After slipping the shorts on, Scarlett left her room. The living room was empty with the exception of Natasha, who sat on the edge of the sofa. She had been inspecting her nails when Scarlett came out of her room. Natasha was in a white sheer dress that came up just about to her midthigh. Underneath the dress was a royal blue one piece.

"Are you ready?" She smiled brightly as she looked at Scarlett, who nodded her head in reply. "Do you mind if we walk to the dock? It's not very long."

"I don't care." Scarlett softly shrugged her shoulders.


Scarlett's hands were stuffed into the pocket of her hoodie as she walked alongside Natasha.

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