chapter 15: suffocating in my mistakez!!!

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(An: so I normally take 2 days to write a chapter and I only start writing one like every 5 days (at the start it was google docs so that's y 4 in a day, spent a month writing and then uploaded everything in 2 days) but today I'm writing 2 in one day because I need to stay awake cuz I've been sleeping all day 4 like a week lolzzzzz plz help me. oh and thx 2 my friendz for reading aside from one of them im angry at u lolzzzz jk jk but still thx 2 my friends for reading aside from 1 of them lolz im not mad... oh and yea i do listen to teh music i put in here!!! Lolzzzz how do u think i put lyrics everywhere! just wanted to make it clear... im sk tired so srry for the mistakes lolz)

Ur betrayal by bullet 4 my valentine
Eood u still b tjer by ofmjcr and men
Dead! U already know who made this if ur reading the playlists
Honey this mirror isnt big enough for the 2 of us by mcr
I'm so sick by flyleaf

Matt was sitting in tucker Carlsons green Eminem secret dungeon. That was until Justemo Bieber broke down the wall EEVN THOUGH THERES A DOOR WE LEARNED THIS IN CHAPTER 4 OR SOMETHING!!!

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" SCREAMED MATT WALSH! "WHO ARE YOU!?" (They don't know each other cuz justemo didn't meet him b4) Matt was wearing the short sleeve cinch bust skort drss (ya I went on the website im very dedicated to accuracy) from hollister in white floral. He aslo had on skull and crossbones fingerless gloves from hot topic to remind him of ben and all the people he wanted dead!(mcr)!

"oh my god it's famous lgbtqia+ supporter Matt wash!!!" said justemo beitbt.

"ye ye, can u help me I've been chained here cuz tucker wants my bf, ben shapiro." said Matt watts.

Justemo Bieber ran to him to try and let him free, but then he felt a strange, odd feeling on his back. Cold hands pressed on him like a spirit calling out to him. But then he turned around and saw it was Dr Phil green m&m and green Eminem, not a spirit.

"oH MY GOD! WHO ARE YOU!?" He yeldldedl, even though he's the intruder and the green m&m and eminence should be the scared ones. Dr Phil green m&m was still wearing a black shirt and black pants that were ripped cuz he's been trapped here for months. He also had a red tie. (I'm going off memory lolz save me I still haven't slept lolz it's almost ben 21 hourz and I'm going off like 4 hourz of sleep)

Dr Phil green m&m started singing Tony this mirror isn't big enough 4 the 2 of us because he secretly was dating someone named Tony and they were not working out and Tony can't touch his brother. Neways Dr Phil green m&m introduced justemk to everyone.

"what's up bitches meet justemo bieber, my favorite goth singer. Justemo, this is Eminem. He's been painted green because of Tucker's obsession with green m&ms. I'm Dr Phil green m&m." Said Dr Phil green m&m, gothically... and also tiredly because tucker listens to Joe Rogan podcast with sonic ans I think shadow(? I never rlly got into sonic my brother would know.) All night so he can't duckjg sleep okay!? go listen 2 vampires will never hurt u bye mcr is my favorite song and I'm exhausted.

"ok" said justemo bieber. "Well IG I COULD LET YOU GO... but..."

"BUT WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?" said Matt washing.

"no I just wanted to say that, I'll let you go." said justemo. He grabbed a dremel which somehow cut through their chains.

"BYE YOU FUCKING NERDS!" SAID MATT WALSH WHILE RUNNING 17 MPH (like 10,000 fish and chips an hour for British people)

"oh naurrr" sad justmeo

(srry itz everywhere im just having fun and also exhaustion)

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