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"Now, you two look out for each other, got it?" Jolie said gently, her eyes filled with the protective warmth of a mother seeing her children off. Briar nodded her head firmly and grasped her brother's hand in hers, her grip conveying both reassurance and resolve. "Alright, now have fun, and Adam, don't forget the dress robes you packed," Mark added, kissing the top of his youngest son's head with a fatherly tenderness that made Adam blush slightly.

Adam, Briar's younger brother, nodded his head obediently before boarding the train with a mix of excitement and nervousness etched on his young face. Briar stood back, waving goodbye to her parents with a lingering smile as the train began to puff out steam. She took a deep breath and went in search of an empty compartment, hoping to find a quiet place to settle before the long journey ahead. "Now, go sit with your friends. When the train stops, come and find me. Okay?" she instructed Adam, who nodded eagerly before hurrying off to find his friends, his small figure quickly disappearing amidst the throngs of students.

Adam Castilla-Laurier was Briar's youngest brother, and the bond between them was as strong as it was comforting. Only a year below her in age, Adam's presence at Hogwarts was a source of constant reassurance for Briar, even if she wouldn't readily admit it. As she navigated the crowded corridors of the train, peeking into compartments, she finally found one occupied by her two best friends. "Bree!" Eloise Diggory exclaimed, leaping up to envelop Briar in a tight hug, her enthusiasm infectious.

Eloise Diggory, the youngest of the three girls by only a few months, had inherited the same strikingly handsome features as her older brother Cedric. Yet, where Cedric's good looks were refined and noble, Eloise's had a youthful charm, accentuated by her playful smile and twinkling eyes. Her golden-blonde hair cascaded in loose waves around her shoulders, a testament to the Diggory family's striking appearance.

Despite being younger, Eloise possessed a maturity beyond her years. She had inherited Cedric's sense of fairness and integrity but seemed to possess a clear sense of courage, which had gotten her sorted into Gryffindor. Her presence was calming, and she had an innate ability to bring people together, much like her brother. However, while Cedric was known for his quiet confidence, Eloise was more openly expressive, her emotions often worn on her sleeve. She exuded a natural warmth that drew people to her, making her a beloved figure among her peers.

Sitting across from Eloise was Georgia Longbottom, who had a look of quiet strength about her. This contrasted with her brother Neville's often anxious demeanor. Georgia shared Neville's round face and expressive eyes, but while his were typically wide with worry or contemplation, hers often sparkled with determination and a hint of mischief. Their hair was the same shade of chestnut brown, but where Neville's tended to be unruly, Georgia's was usually neatly tied back in a braid, practical yet graceful. 

Briar embraced the two girls and settled into the compartment with them, the atmosphere immediately growing warmer and more cheerful. "Is it true? Did you really see his mark?" Georgia asked with a mix of curiosity and concern. Briar nodded, her expression serious. Eloise clamped her hand over her mouth in shock. "Thank Merlin's beard I didn't go," Eloise noted, her voice tinged with relief.

"Oh, yeah, how was France?" Briar asked, eager to change the subject. Eloise's eyes lit up as she launched into an enthusiastic recount of her summer. "Oh, it was beautiful! The sights, the food... Oh, but let me tell you, the men... no wonder they call Paris the city of love," Eloise gushed, her cheeks flushing slightly as she remembered the charming French boys she had met. Georgia laughed and elbowed her friend playfully, enjoying her animated storytelling.

"So, did you see Potter?" Georgia asked, steering the conversation back to familiar territory. Briar sighed and nodded, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "And?" Eloise persisted, leaning forward with a gleam of curiosity in her eyes.

"The usual, 'Hey, Briar! Go out with me?'," Briar replied, mimicking Harry's hopeful tone with a roll of her eyes. Georgia laughed and patted Briar's shoulder sympathetically. "Oh, you wouldn't even believe... look!" Georgia handed Briar a folded piece of parchment, giggling mischievously. Briar unfolded the note and read it aloud, her voice dripping with disbelief and annoyance:

Dear Georgia,
Hi. Hope your summer's good. Anyway, can you tell Briar that I love her and ask her if she'll go out with me? She won't answer my letters. Thanks. Have a good summer.
Harry Potter (Future Husband to Briar)

Briar gasped and groaned at the sight of the letter. "He did not!" Eloise cackled, clutching her sides with laughter. "This year is going to be the worst," Briar sighed, leaning back against the seat in resignation. Georgia and Eloise laughed as the three continued to share their summer adventures, the compartment filled with their animated chatter and giggles.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" a cheerful voice interrupted their conversation. Eloise stood up quickly, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the trolley laden with sweets. "Two licorice wands, one pumpkin pastie, two chocolate frogs, and a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans," she said, her grin widening as she placed her order.

Eloise grinned and rolled her eyes as soon as she saw Georgia's exasperated expression. "Fine. Here," Eloise said, handing Georgia some candy, which she accepted gratefully. Briar chuckled at their playful exchange before ordering her own treats. "Oh, a packet of Drooble's and a Licorice Wand. Oh, um, on second thought, just the Droobles, thanks," Ron said hesitantly as he approached the trolley.

Briar noticed Harry standing with his friend and quickly moved her hair to try to cover her face. "Two pumpkin pasties, please, and a chocolate frog, thank you!" she said, taking her sweets and hurrying back to their compartment. Before Briar could say a word, the compartment door slid open once more. She looked up and groaned inwardly at the sight of Harry standing there, a familiar grin on his face.

"Oh, it's you," Briar muttered her tone a mix of annoyance and resignation. Eloise whispered to Briar, "Does he ever leave you alone?" Briar shook her head, her eyes fixed on Harry. She had expected to see Hermione since the four of them were good friends, but there stood Harry, looking as persistent as ever.

Briar had to admit, though she would never say it out loud, that in the time since the Quidditch World Cup, Harry had changed physically. His hair was shorter and neater, and he had grown slightly taller. Harry's previous grin grew into a smirk as soon as he saw her eyes rake up and down his body. "Enjoying your view, Sleeping Beauty?" he teased, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Briar looked back up to meet his eyes, her expression hardening. "There isn't much to look at," she retorted, her tone sharp. Harry took his hand off the door and placed it on his heart in a mock display of hurt. "That hurt me, Rose, right here," he said, feigning a wounded look."Your heart is on the other side, you dingbat," Ron whispered, which made Eloise chuckle. Harry pushed him away playfully and placed his hand back on the doorframe. Briar was sure that if Harry stayed a minute longer, she was going to get grey hairs from the stress.

"What do you want, Potter?" she asked, her patience wearing thin.

"Go out with me?" Harry asked, his tone hopeful yet playful.

"No," Briar replied flatly, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Before Briar got a chance to shut the sliding door, Harry held out a hand to stop it. "You'll fall in love with me one day, Sleeping Beauty," he said confidently, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Briar scoffed and shot back, "When pigs fly, and don't call me Sleeping Beauty!" She shut the door with a definitive snap, grunting in frustration as she saw Harry blow a kiss through the window before finally leaving.

Georgia and Eloise, who had witnessed the whole situation, smirked at each other. "He's much more persistent this year," Eloise observed, shaking her head in disbelief. Briar nodded and leaned on Georgia's shoulder, feeling a mix of exhaustion and amusement. Eloise laughed, and Briar turned to look at Georgia, who appeared to be in deep thought.

"What're you thinking about?" Briar asked, curious about her friend's contemplative expression. Georgia glanced at Briar with a sly smile. "What if he makes a pig fly?" she suggested, her tone light and teasing.

Briar laughed, the tension easing from her shoulders as she let out a relieved sigh. "Well, then I guess I'll have to start worrying," she replied, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. The compartment filled with their laughter once more as the train chugged along, carrying them toward another eventful year at Hogwarts.

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