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As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the Hogwarts grounds, Harry, Hermione, and Briar led a reluctant Umbridge deeper into the Forbidden Forest. The forest, shrouded in twilight, was an ominous place, with dense foliage overhead that filtered out most of the remaining light. The thick canopy of trees created an oppressive atmosphere, where the fading sunlight barely pierced through the tangled branches. Each step they took seemed to amplify the sounds of the forest—rustling leaves, the occasional snap of twigs underfoot, and the distant calls of creatures whose identities remained hidden. The air was cool and damp, laden with the earthy smell of the forest floor. "How much further?" Umbridge demanded, stumbling over a gnarled tree root that protruded from the ground. Her voice was tinged with irritation and a hint of apprehension. "Not far," Briar replied, her voice wavering slightly as she tried to maintain her composure.

Hermione, with a determined look, adjusted her grip on her wand and continued walking, her brow furrowed in concentration. "It had to be somewhere that students wouldn't find accidentally," she said, her voice echoing slightly in the stillness of the forest. The tension was palpable as the group ventured further into the woods, their progress slow and laborious due to the thick underbrush that seemed to clutch at their legs. Harry, glancing back at Briar, noticed her nervousness and approached her with a whisper. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice low and concerned. Briar, her eyes darting nervously between her companions and the encroaching darkness, replied, "Improvising," her voice trembling slightly as she tried to maintain her composure.

As they continued, the light dwindled further, and the cool, damp air grew colder. The forest's dense foliage seemed to close in around them, making the already dim path even darker. Briar's mind raced, her eyes darting anxiously between the shadows and her companions. The forest seemed alive with a sinister energy, the underbrush becoming denser and more tangled with each step. The oppressive darkness made every sound seem more foreboding, each rustle of leaves and snap of twigs echoing ominously in the stillness. The trees loomed taller and more imposing, their branches intertwining overhead like a twisted web.

Eventually, the group reached a small clearing, a space that seemed almost like a breath of relief in the dense forest. The clearing was encircled by towering trees, their branches stretching out like skeletal fingers against the darkening sky. The atmosphere was still and eerie, the shadows lengthening as the sun dipped lower in the sky. "Where is this weapon?" Umbridge demanded, her voice rising in frustration. Briar looked around the clearing silently, her gaze flicking between the trees and her companions, a sense of unease settling over her. Hermione, her expression tense and fearful, looked down at the forest floor, unable to meet Umbridge's gaze.

"There isn't one, is there?" Umbridge spat, her voice laced with anger and suspicion. Her eyes narrowed as she turned abruptly, her wand raised defensively. Harry glanced at Briar, a mixture of concern and frustration on his face. Before anyone could react further, a low growl echoed through the clearing. From the shadows emerged a group of centaurs, their forms partially obscured by the darkness. Their eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and hostility, their hooves making soft, echoing sounds on the forest floor. The centaurs' presence added to the already tense atmosphere, their imposing figures creating a stark contrast against the darkening woods.

"You have no business here, centaur. This is a Ministry matter," Umbridge declared, her voice carrying an air of authority. Her tone was haughty, but there was a tremor of fear underlying her words. Harry, sensing the imminent danger, quickly grabbed Briar's hand and pulled her behind him, her eyes widening in fear. The centaurs' eyes locked onto Umbridge, their expressions unreadable. "Lower your weapons, I warn you. Under the law, as creatures of near-human intelligence..." Umbridge continued, but her words were cut off abruptly as one of the centaurs nocked an arrow and fired it toward her.

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