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Soft music wafted gently through the Great Hall as students entered, each adorned in their finest attire. The girls arrived in an array of beautiful dresses, their smiles bright under the twinkling lights, while the boys showed off their finest dress robes, looking both nervous and excited. The Hall itself was transformed into a fairy-tale ballroom, with garlands of holly and ivy intertwined with twinkling fairy lights, casting a warm glow over the scene. The ceiling, bewitched to mimic the night sky, shimmered with stars and a soft snowfall, creating an atmosphere of magic and wonder.

In the Gryffindor dormitory, Ron Weasley stood in front of the mirror, a look of sheer horror on his face as he tugged at the lace and frill on his robes. "Bloody hell!" he cried out, his voice filled with dismay. "What are those?" His eyes widened as he saw Harry enter the room in a crisp white button-down shirt and a sleek black dress robe.

"My dress robes!" Harry responded, trying to sound upbeat.

"Well, they're all right! No lace! No dodgy little collar!" Ron continued, his tone a mix of envy and frustration.

Harry tried to console his friend. "Well, I expect yours are a bit more traditional."

"Traditional? They're ancient!" Ron exclaimed, his voice rising in pitch with each word. "I look like my Great Aunt Tessie, smell like Great Aunt Tessie," he added, a note of desperation creeping in as they headed down the steps to join the others.

As they descended, the scene in the common room was a flurry of activity. Girls were adjusting their dresses and exchanging last-minute compliments, while the boys tried to muster up the courage to offer their arms. The excitement and nerves were palpable.

"Poor kid, I bet she's alone in her room, crying her eyes out," Ron remarked as they made their way towards the Great Hall.

"Who?" Harry asked, confused.

"Hermione, of course. Come on, Harry, why do you think she wouldn't tell us who she's coming with?" Ron replied, a note of concern in his voice.

Harry shrugged his shoulders, unable to offer an explanation. They reached the entrance of the Great Hall, where Padma and Parvati Patil awaited them, their smiles brightening at the sight of their dates. The two greeted Harry and Ron warmly, and Professor McGonagall, observing from a distance, sighed in relief.

"Oh, there you are, Potter. Are you ready?" McGonagall asked, her tone brisk.

"For what?" Harry replied, caught off guard.

"To dance. It's traditional that the three champions - well, in this case, four - are the first to dance. Surely, I told you that." McGonagall's voice held a hint of exasperation.

Harry shook his head, feeling a knot of anxiety tighten in his stomach. McGonagall pursed her lips. "Oh y- well, now you know," she said, guiding Ron and Padma into the Great Hall.

The Hall was a breathtaking sight, with the enchanted ceiling mimicking a clear, starry night. Chandeliers hung from the rafters, casting a soft, golden glow over the scene. Long tables, draped in rich, velvet cloths, were laden with sumptuous food and drink. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter and the rustle of elegant gowns and robes.

As they entered, Parvati's eyes widened with admiration. "Oh my, she looks beautiful," she murmured, her gaze fixed on Hermione, who was standing at the top of the stairs.

Harry, following her gaze, saw Hermione descending gracefully, arm-in-arm with Viktor Krum. The two shared a soft smile, and Harry wasn't surprised; their connection had been evident for weeks.

But then, his attention was captured by another figure. Briar stood at the entrance, wearing a stunning red gown that accentuated her natural beauty. Her curly hair was tamed into a gorgeous style, and the bodice of her dress shimmered with gold glitter. The skirt flowed around her in waves of tulle, creating an ethereal effect. She wore a sun necklace and long gold earrings that swayed elegantly with each step. Her ivory heels clicked softly on the floor as she walked, her laughter echoing through the hall as she met Cedric Diggory, who smiled and took her hand.

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